Word for the day by Christian Education Forum

 Jesus Christ, Our Lord and God

Isaiah 43:1-12
V3 For I am the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior.

The verses in today’s passage are a part of the words of hope that god speaks to his people Israel, promising return and restoration to their own land. Israel has served her punishment in exile. God had sought to punish the nation for the unfaithfulness of its people to him. Now he has compassion on His people and promises to restore them. The chapter starts with the words that show that God was responsible for the creation, formation ad redemption. God speaks words of endearment and comfort to His hurting people saying, "I have called you by name, you are mine.” Those were the words that gave the people of God hope to look forward to a better future after a period of great pain.
In the New Testament we see the disciples of Jesus undergoing great fear and loss at the crucifixion of Jesus. Most of them had scattered and run away at the time of his arrest. They felt all was lost and there was no future to look forward to. One of them was Thomas. Probably he had lost his trust in the other disciples since the time of Jesus’s arrest. So, when they told him that Jesus had risen, he wouldn’t trust them till he had seen and touched the wounds of Jesus himself. Jesus comes in the midst of the disciples and spoke words of endearment to Thomas, inviting him lovingly to see and touch His wounds and trust Him. That was enough to make Thomas to recognize the risen Christ and exclaim aloud, “My Lord and My God.”
Today, in our moments of sorrow, dejection and loss, Jesus comes to us and speaks word of endearment. Let us open our heart and seek to listen to the words of our Savior that he speaks to us through the Word and prayer. We will realize that He still speaks to us, comforts us and strengthens us.

Lord, we look up to you for comfort. Speak to us and give us your strength to overcome our crisis. Amen.

The Lord who made us knows how to comfort us.

Rev. Thomas John
Carmel MTC, Boston

Christian Education Forum, Diocese of NAE of the Mar Thoma Church

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