Word for the day by Christian Education Forum
New Sunday: Jesus Christ, Our Lord and God
John 20:24-29
V28 Thomas answered him, “My Lord and my God.”
The Sunday after Easter is called New Sunday. We meditate on one of the post-resurrection appearances of Jesus. The appearances including the one mentioned in this passage serves the following purposes:
- Confirms the reality of the resurrection
Even today this passage conveys to us the reality of Jesus resurrection.
- Heals the crisis of faith
Thomas’s doubt about Jesus’s resurrection was not merely intellectual. His relationship with Jesus was very personal. So, when Jesus was crucified, Thomas’s entire concept of how the messiah must be was broken down. He would have felt that his decision to follow Jesus and to put his faith in Jesus was all in vain. He would be very dejected with himself and with life. He would never be able to trust his anybody as his Savior or feel that its worth spending one’s life to follow the Savior. But the appearance of Jesus heals the crisis of faith that Thomas was going through. Jesus conveys the truth that, even today, it is worth trusting in Jesus as our Savior and spending our life being his disciple and follow him with all that we have. Even today, Jesus is with us in our crisis and proves to us that when we trust in Him, He will work wonders in our life.
Lord, when I face my crisis of faith help me to feel your healing touch, Amen.
Where there is crisis, there is Christ.
Rev. Thomas John
Carmel MTC, Boston
Christian Education Forum, Diocese of NAE of the Mar Thoma Church