Word for the day by Christian Education Forum
Mathew 26:36-41
Vs 41.” Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation”
World day of prayer is an international Christian lay woman’s initiative. The main motto of the group is “informed prayer and prayerful action “and is celebrated annually in over 170 countries on the first Friday in March. All the women join together that day and pray for a nation that is underdeveloped or is a developing nation who needs prayer and support of the believers. The movement was started in 19th century by women of United States and Canada. Their main aim was to initiate and support mission activities among women all over the world. They had a vision of Christian unity to successfully promote the mission activity. Studying and practicing the word of God became their prime responsibility and ambition of the movement. Study materials, videos, books and conferences were made available so that women of other parts of the world became aware of the importance of this mission. Soon they created ways to work together and many international women’s groups were formed. This movement was then linked with world peace and harmony among the participating nations and the world day of prayer came to a reality. This year this prayer is dedicated to the women of Vanuatu, a group of 80 islands in the south Pacific Ocean. The theme for this year’s prayer day is” build on a strong foundation “.
Todays devotion highlights the prayer of Jesus in Gethsemane in His final hours in this world. He is seen asking his trusted disciples Peter, James and john to be awake and pray with him to the last minute, before he is being betrayed by Judas, to give him strength to face the agony. Death on a Roman cross was the most excruciating. Finally, Jesus is accepting that his hour has come. The wrath of God has turned loose on Him. It was a time of wrestling with pain and abuse and a time to be resolute to face the worst. He prays to the father “if it is possible may the cup be taken from me. Yet not my will thy will be done”. Jesus was not anyway trying to avoid the will of God, but he was making sure that it was certainly the will of His Father. We see the disciples letting Jesus down at His darkest moments of life. They were found weak and a total failure. Prayer is always strengthening for us the believers. When we pray for others and for ourselves, we gain strength to lead a victorious life. We are in no way different from the disciples. We all the time are aware of our actions and deeds whether our Father in Heaven likes it or approves it, and we blame it on our human weakness and frailty and selfishness.
Prayer is the only remedy to charge us every day and let this lent season be a time of recommitment, dedication and repentance. As our prayers raise to heaven either as individuals or groups heaven will rejoice and we will be blessed.
Loving God even during the hardest moments of our lives, allow us to lift our eyes unto you from where our help comes, stir in our hearts and our lips the rich spirit of joyful praise always.
Assisted by His grace we will pursue our way. And hope at last to reach the prize secure in endless day.
Abraham Lincoln.
Dr Thomas K. Jose
The Mar Thoma Church Staten island.
Christian Education Forum, Diocese of NAE of the Mar Thoma Church