Word for the day by Christian Education Forum

          Faith that Leads to Healing

James 5: 13-16

v16 Therefore, confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. 

In this passage we are being told there is never a wrong time to pray. We are instructed here to pray during times of trouble, in sickness, in happiness, and most importantly in confession to the Lord for our sins. This passage is not speaking about physical healing, but a spiritual healing of those who are weak in spirit and to encourage us as Believers to seek the Lord in prayer in all circumstances.
Back in chapter 1 James said that if you lack wisdom, pray. In chapter 4 James said that we lack some important things because we don’t pray. Prayer not only acknowledges God, but it is an invitation of His grace to work in our lives. We are being encouraged by James to find relevance in prayer. In our sickness, we are to invite our church family to pray for us. In our troubled times, we are to invite our family and friends to pray for us, in our happiness we are to sing praises in expression of gratitude to our Father. God is more generous than we can ever imagine, and we must always go to Him first and foremost through any situation.

 Dear Heavenly Father, Teach our hearts to pursue you in all our prayers. Allow our hearts to find true satisfaction in leaving things in your control. Father we pray for those who are burdened, we pray for those who are ill, we praise you for the wonderful things you are doing in our lives. Forgive us if we do not bring everything to you in prayer, and help us to grow closer to you. In your precious and Holy name, I pray. Amen

 Let us be mindful of our everyday lives and bring all things to His feet in prayer. Our father knows every thought in our mind and heart. He always has the best in store for us, we must just trust.

Lexine Varughis
CMTC, Chicago, IL

Christian Education Forum, Diocese of NAE of the Mar Thoma Church

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