Word for the day by Christian Education Forum
Worthy life: Temperance Sunday
Luke 15:11-24
V21 – “Father I have sinned against heaven and before you; I am no longer worthy to be called your son.”
Every year, the second Sunday in January is observed as Temperance Sunday. It is observed to conscientize ourselves to the harmful effects of addictive substances. Now there is greater awareness that along with drugs, tobacco and alcohol, gadgets can also be addictive. America is now also struggling against the opioid crisis. All these substances make humans dependent on them and reduce the quality of our life. It can ultimately result in the destruction of human life, unless some measures are taken against it. Awareness, prevention and rehabilitation are the means employed to seek relief from the problem of addiction to harmful substances.
Today’s passage is a part of Jesus’s three famous parables in Luke 15. All of these parables show the joy of finding the lost. Metaphorically, these parables depict the joy of God when a lost sinner returns to God. That’s when, what was hitherto considered lost, is regained.
What makes life worthy?
Life becomes worthy in relationship to its creator.
In the parable of the prodigal son, the younger son was lost as long as he was away from his father. But a change occurred when he realized his mistake and returned to his father. The moment he returned, he was restored to his home by his father.
He would have been genuinely loved, nourished and valued only by his father. Rest of all his friends valued him only for his money. They would have deserted him when his money was spent. But his father loved him even when he hurt his father and became a shame for him.
The love of the father depicts the heart of God who loves us in spite of our sinful nature.
Have we been running away from our Creator - intoxicated and hypnotized by the things around us? Let us return to him. It is only in relationship with him that our life finds true meaning and worth. The more we let ourselves be governed by addictive substances and other things, the more we will move away from our Creator and the more we become a curse for the people around us.
A tennis racket in my hand is worth nothing. But in the hands of a professional tennis player like Roger Federer of Rafael Nadal, it is worth much more. It can be used to win great accolades and great income. It matters in whose hands it is in. In the same way it matters to whom we belong and with whom we abide.
Let us realize, we belong to God. It is he who made us, nourishes us, values us and truly loves us. Let us repent before him for all the things that we have allowed to become a distraction from loving and following God fully.
Loving Lord, thank you for revealing the heart of the Heavenly Father to us. Help us to return to that heavenly love and never stray from your path in our life, Amen.
An unexamined life is not worth living.
Rev. Thomas John, Carmel MTC, Boston.
Christian Education Forum, Diocese of NAE of the Mar Thoma Church