Word for the day by Christian Education Forum
Worthy Life
1 Corinthians 9:24-27
V24…Run in such a way that you may win it.
Christian leaders are called to be an example not only in their public preaching, but also in their personal lives. A striking feature of Paul’s ministry was his transparency and honesty in the preaching of the gospel and the conduct of his personal affairs. Paul often invited people to look into his own life example (Acts 20:18, 33-34). He also exhorted the elders of the church to ensure that their own personal life became a reflection of the sincerity of their Christian faith. Further, he instructed the elders of the church to watch over the flock entrusted to them by Christ, so that the lives of the believers lived up to the holiness that Christ had called them to.
In the book of 1 Corinthians, Paul addresses many daily life issues that existed among the believers in Corinth which were unbecoming for Christians. After instructing them on rules they have to follow to ensure peace, reconciliation and holiness in the congregation, Paul tells them that such rules do not curb their rights for a free life. Instead, it shows that freedom should be exercised with discipline and responsibility. Only then will it be a blessing for others. Paul says that such a discipline will ensure that that the freedoms people exercise will help them to achieve their goals in life. So, he gives an example of athletes who practice self-control in all things and go through rigorous training to help them achieve their prize. In the same way the Christian race has to be run with the aim to receive the imperishable prize of God’s favor on us.
Let us examine our lives. Is there anything in our life that is unbecoming for us as Christians? Which area of our life needs better discipline? Let us commit ourselves to become people whose personal life example is a blessing to all.
Lord, you know me as I am. There is nothing hidden from you. Break me, mould me and make me as you want me to be, Amen.
When you are living the best version of yourself, you inspire others to live the best versions of themselves.
Steve Maraboli
Rev. Thomas John, Carmel MTC, Boston
Christian Education Forum, Diocese of NAE of the Mar Thoma Church