Word for the day by Christian Education Forum
St John 1:1-14
v4 “All things came into being through him, and without him not one thing came into being”
The Gospel of John remains as very unique one in the Christian reading, which affirms to the pre-existence of Christ as in the beginning of creation. All that was created by God was through the very word that came out of the Divine; it had life and all that is created by God has life because the word was sent into them for life.
Christ is God Incarnate: We wait for the Lord’s coming on this earth. When we recite the Lord’s prayer we pray, "Your kingdom come on Earth as it is in heaven". God created the whole of the universe in the abundant and ever-flowing love of God. But human disobedience had created a chasm between God and Humanity. Christ comes and bridges that chasm. Christ is the Word that instilled life in the creation and nothing came into existence without the Word and to this day this Word is in action in our life.
Maranatha: This is the cry of yesterday and today which has to remain in every Christian. Unfortunately the cry is for one’s own self now and the greed has made humans to ignore the divine and look for more of worldly source or resources. As we see in the verse 11 God came down to God’s Own Creation and yet the Humanity did not receive the Creator. Our failure to realize that God is in Action and our ignorance of the lords coming is the change of thought which is needed at this hour. May our Lord come for the eternal transformation of the whole Creation.
O Lord we thank you for our life, for all of the universe help us to renew our mind and heart to receive you on your coming! Amen.
Let us prepare our hearts to receive Christ the lord
Rev Jibin M Idicula
Mar Thoma Congregation Harihar- Davanagere
Christian Education Forum, Diocese of NAE of the Mar Thoma Church