Word for the day by Christian Education Forum

 Sanctification of Church: Learning and nurturing of faith practice

Proverbs 22 1-6

v6 Teach children how they should live, and they will remember it all their lives.

When the Industrial Revolution broke out in Great Britain in 1750, it brought about major changes in the areas of manufacturing, agriculture, and mining. This gave way for the rise of a number of factories in and around Great Britain. Children often used to work in these factories. Once out of the factories, the children engaged themselves in crime, robbery and mischief for quick money and fame. Robert Raikes watched children wasting themselves away in a slum in Gloucester. He was moved by this and was convinced that schooling was the best intervention. The best time was on Sunday as the boys were often working in the factories the other six days. 
The teachers were lay people of the church, and the textbook was the Bible. From there the Sunday School progressed through the years and it has taken the form of what we have today. Our Marthoma Sunday School Samajam was founded in 1905. The growth and development of the Sunday School Samajam was the result of the extraordinary organizing ability of Rev. V P Mammen and his untiring efforts for 47 years. The goal of our Sunday school is to teach today’s kids the right path so that they become better role models in society tomorrow and live a better Christian life as adults. The motto of our Marthoma Sunday School is, “Come to Jesus, bring every child to Jesus”
Apart from Sunday School, parents are the first educators of their children, providing the foundation for a spiritual and religious life. We know that the family needs to be a vital part of the process of lifelong faith formation at all stages of faith development, and that parents need help to assume their roles in fostering faith and a deeper spirituality within their homes. We are aware of the tremendous changes family life has undergone over the years, and the present day diversity in family forms and structures. Christian families that spend time daily to pray, read and learn the word of God nurture faith in their children and develop a new generation of believers rooted in faith.
In 1st Samuel we see Hannah making a promise to God. Once God blesses her with a son, she keeps her promise and brings the little boy Samuel for training under the priest Eli. This shows her dedication and devotion to God. Samuel was called at a young age and became one of the greatest prophets of Israel. We also read in the book of Samuel, though Eli was a faithful priest he failed to bring his sons in good moral and this brought  about God’s punishment. 
Children are a gift from God and to dedicate time and patience in the child-training process is the right, responsibility and joy of all parents. All children are born with a propensity towards evil and training infants and young people in godly conduct, equipping them with wise choices and appropriate accountability for their actions and attitude will nurture them to bear fruit for the kingdom of God.

Heavenly Father, thank you for the privilege, responsibility and joy for the children you have placed in my life. I humbly ask that You would guide me in the way that I should teach them and train them and pray that they may grow up in the fear of the Lord.
All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching the truth, rebuking error, correcting faults, and giving instruction for right living.  2 Timothy 3:16

Christian Education Forum, Diocese of NAE of the Mar Thoma Church

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