Word for the day by Christian Education Forum


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Word for the Day
"Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path". 
Psalm 119:105

Witnessing Life of Laity (Voluntary Evangelist Day)
Psalm 3

V8 “Salvation belongs to the Lord; your blessings be on your people”.

Salvation belongs to the Lord - It is God alone who saves! He is the fountain from whom help and deliverance comes; and to him alone the praise of all saved souls is due. We as Christians are blessed to be his people delivered from the darkness of unbelief and into the light of salvation so that we might show forth His praises in the world. So, just as God has made us his people it is our purpose to help save our brothers and sisters to become followers of Christ. How can we as Christians serve to spread the news of redemption and salvation to the world? As laity or “lay people” in the church we are important witnesses to the church of Christ with unfailing faith, anointed by the Holy Spirit and called to preach the Gospel to the world(3). 
Hence the life of the laity is evangelism, missions, prayer and confession as witnesses of the church of Jesus Christ. This, we can accomplish by  changing the world in  our way of living or by sharing our faith through missions and evangelism to spread the news of God’s salvation and redemption in addition to the ministry of ordained priests and clergy (2). The Laity in the Marthoma Church has full participation in the Priestly ministry, given through the Church, by Christ. They are called to profess and practice Christian truths and teachings in their daily life and avocations (2). Let us all strive to live the life of laity that we are called to through Christ Jesus and through the living word that we may establish God’s kingdom on earth.

Gracious and Heavenly Father, we thank you for making us disciples of your Son. We humbly ask for your guidance and blessings to live a life of laity and to establish your kingdom on earth. We ask this through Our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever, AMEN.
To live a life of laity is to build the kingdom of heaven on earth just as Jesus commanded us to do.

Aarthi Fernandez
Redeemer Marthoma Church, New Jersey

Christian Education Forum, Diocese of NAE of the Mar Thoma Church


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