Word for the day by Christian Education Forum


1 Corinthians 10:5-17

v17  Because  there is one bread,we who are many are one body, for we all partake of the one bread.

    Unity of the church is a very important issue in the New Testament, but it is also one of the  most challenging to apply in a biblical manner.  Many would like to sing“they will know we are Christians by our love”, a very misapplied  statement where  people struggle themselves  to agree with the other on several issues, including doctrinal ones. People often like to  agree with like-minded, intelligible ones, even though   one may  sing "we are one in the spirit”.

     Koinonia  is a word  we hear  among  church groups, meaning fellowship or sharing.  Apostle  Paul used this word to speak of the fellowship  among early Christians in the church.  It reminds people that, though we are many,  we are all partakers of one body and blood of Christ Jesus.  It means also that we must be in fellowship with the Lord before partaking in  Eucharist.  If you are in fellowship  with the Lord, you will also be able to be in union with the fellow believer too.   Therefore, all Christians share the common salvation at the Lord's table.

      Division among believers on petty issues is not a Christian attitude.  Christian unity is very important because Christ prayed for it and it is a major factor in our witness to the world.  In Paul's day the division between Jews and gentile  was huge.  If today's church can display unity to the world, the unity between  sects of the people that Christ secured  by shedding his precious blood on the cross,  it would be a powerful witness.   Otherwise  the world will  refuse to accept   a religion  with followers  fighting each other for  power, prestige, ego and practicing  false Christianity .  Let us introspect themselves as to where we are heading to in our journey.  The Lord's coming is near.  How do we present ourselves to our master?


O Lord our master, we admit that we often fall short of practicing the true Christianity  which you secured on the cross. Give us the spirit of love, unity, peace among our brethren and may lead a life pleasing to God and be witnesses to the world through our life.

Our unity will be our powerful witness before the world which is being fragmented into bits.

Dr. John K.Thomas  Tabor MTC  Staten Island  NY

Christian Education Forum, Diocese of NAE of the Mar Thoma Church

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