Word for the day by Christian Education Forum

 Education for Liberation

John 8:31-47
v32   “You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free”.

Liberation is a praxis, the action and reflection of men and women upon their world in order to transform it. “Paulo Frère.
Why do we need liberation? Where are we tied up or in bondage in this world? How many of us are really interested in a liberation if at all we want to consider. It is here that the need of educating oneself and acquiring wisdom especially wisdom from above warrants its necessity.
Education and knowledge of the word of God frees our mind instead of numbing it or paralyzing. We learn on a daily basis through constant contact with our teacher who is our creator. When we have an open dialogue with our Lord through prayer and constant communication through the word of God we get to know God more every day and finally we get equipped to live a successful life in this world. Jesus is our ultimate Guru and teacher. He talks to us and teaches us His word. Psalm 119:105 says your word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. Left to ourselves we often struggle to find the true way to life and the way that leads to death and sin. When we are away from God’s radar we fall in the traps of the devil and ends up in bondage and darkness engulfs us. Word of God is a search light to cut through our our darkness and enter in to the bright   and shining safety place. Jesus says I am the way the truth and the Life.
Jesus in today’s portion for meditation emphasizes the need to be close to him and away from Satan. Whoever commits sin is a slave of the devil. A slave does not abide in the house for ever but a son abides forever.So when the son makes us free as he is the only one who can liberate us, we shall be free forever.Our response to His commands, our attitude to obey him and our willingness to accept Him as our master and Lord determines our status to experience the joy of salvation that He offers, the realm of glory and a seat in eternity. When we accept Him as our savior and obey his teachings we are on the way to a liberated life. We will be able to say no boldly to innumerable sins and temptations that come across every day. Our real battle of faith comes when we can turn away from self-reliance to His Grace and unconditional love. The key to crossing the bridge between faiths in our Lord and experiencing Him in our daily life is obedience. Let us be educated, wise enough to be liberated and step into the faith He wants us to have and live a glorious life.

Lord allow me to know and study your word intimately and intentionally that I may be liberated from the clutches of sin and can lead a victorious life.
Father May I have the wisdom to seek you every day and every moment of my life.

Dr Thomas K.Jose The Mar Thoma Church Staten Island.
Christian Education Forum, Diocese of NAE of the Mar Thoma Church

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