Word for the day by Christian Education Forum

Feast of Transfiguration - Glorification of our Lord
Luke 9:28-36

v28”About eight days after Jesus said this; he took Peter, John and James with him and went up onto a mountain to pray”.
Prayer was the way of life for our Lord Jesus Christ. We see numerous references in the scripture. Jesus teaches us that Prayer is not only asking God for blessings but it is the way to relate to God our Father. The whole chapter is a beautiful scenario and great example for us to learn and relate to God Jesus Himself.
First lesson is Jesus developed a group of praying partners who are willing to go with Him, any time He chooses and anywhere He chooses. When we face sufferings or anxious moments of various kinds, either it be sickness, poverty, failures we surely need to share our agony, pain and grief with someone. Church is the family of God where we could develop prayer partners. Jesus modeled it for us. Peter, James and John were the privileged prayer partners under training in this passage.
Second lesson is from the revelation that the prayer partners experienced. As we learned Jesus relates to our Heavenly Father through prayer. This passage reveals that Jesus was interacting with Moses and Elijah from above. This is all the more affirmation that prayer is connecting with the spiritual witnesses and that connection and relationship energizes us and helps us to get through the hurdles and accomplish the plan of God. Prayer reminds us about the cloud of witnesses that we are not alone at any given time. There are others who have gone ahead of us in this calling of suffering.
Third lesson is from the voice from Heaven. When we pray, relate to God in prayer our identity is revealed and affirmed to those around us, with whom we live, work and worship. The voice from above said “This is my Son, my Chosen; listen to him!” We are unsure if same three disciples were present when Jesus was baptized but now we know for sure that they are here and they learn more about Jesus that He is lifted up to be Lord, came to fulfill the law and the prophecy and we need to obey Him. Moses represented the Law and Elijah represented the prophecy. Though we go through suffering we are called to be a child of God, obey and accomplish Gods plan in our life.
Dear Lord! Help each of us to have at least three prayer partners who could be our intimate friends in our prayer life, church life and missioner life and fulfill your work in this world. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God” Phil4:6

Rev. Dr. Paul Rajan
InterChristian Initiatives

Christian Education Forum, Diocese of NAE of the Mar Thoma Church

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