Word for the day by Christian Education Forum

Comforting presence of the Lord with those who fear Him
Isaiah 8:11-18

v13 "The Lord Almighty is the one you are to regard as holy, he is the one you are to fear."
The passage recalls for the fear of the Lord and the consequences of trusting the Lord. The Lord declares that judgement would be brought down on people who rejected the Lord. 
What the Lord shows us is that the masses will be going in a certain direction but we should trust the Lord while everyone else trusts in other things. It can be understood that the influence of the masses is stronger than we like to admit and that we are often influenced by what others think and we give in to the pressure of  doing what they want us to do.
This passage shows us that:
1. The words of the Lord are preserved.
2. The will of the Lord's servant is proclaimed.
3. Trusting the Lord is a matter of choice.
 The Lord also points out that we should understand how important it is to dedicate our time in sanctifying the Lord as he is the benevolent giver of life and The Lord of hosts who is to be feared.
Lord, we pray that our hearts would learn how to rightfully fear you. We bow down before you, acknowledging you as Lord and Savior of our lives and believe that your grace will protect us every step of our lives.


A life of discipleship is a life of complete commitment to God.

Mrs Deepa Baby John, W/O of Rev Baby John Vicar Adoor MTC, Kerala 
Christian Education Forum, Diocese of NAE of the Mar Thoma Church

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