Communion with Risen Lord in daily life
Exodus 40 :34-38
Vs 35b “the Glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle”.
Are we paralyzed in making a right decision of our small and big things in life? Are we in a dilemma to decide what to do next? Are we faced with an impending incident that we have to face? What is the answer to all these? There is no answer other than turning to the word of God and seek His guidance and support. Can we adjust our lifestyle in such a way that it synchronizes with the commandments and teachings of our risen Lord? He is waiting for us at the shore calling us softly” Come and eat. The breakfast is ready”. The disciples could not recognize their master even though they witnessed all his teachings, miracles and saw them in person after the resurrection. Are we ready to make Him our Lord of Lords and our savior today? We always stagger through our lives. Scripture says “a double minded man is unstable in all his ways. If we are ready to give the steering of our life to him and allow Him to be in total control, we will be off from our worries and struggles that come across our daily lives. God’s sustaining grace gives us comfort and wisdom when we face the perils of our life. Our lows and highs are in God’s control and have the strong faith that nothing happens in our life without His plan, purpose and knowledge. Here in todays portion we see the Israelites built a moving temple according to God’s plans and dimensions. When this Tabernacle was built and completed God filled it with His glory and He decided to live with them. They took the tabernacle whenever and wherever they travelled. The priests conducted the worship and dedicated themselves through animal sacrifices every day. The Lord’s presence in the tent of meeting, the tabernacle was signified by the cloud of fire and the Glory of the Lord. God told Moses to set up the tabernacle on the first day of the first month. Moses was in perfect obedience to God in fulfilling God’s commandments.We too have the responsibility now to worship our Lord not according to the imaginations and devices of man or any suggestions of the evil forces or in any other way that is not prescribed in the Holy scriptures. The tabernacle reveals the Glory and majesty of God. The tabernacle that is present with us today is that which is established by Jesus Christ. Hebrews 9:11-12 says “ But when Christ came as a high priest of the good things that have come, then through the greater and perfect tent(not made with hands) he entered once for all into the holy place, not with the blood of goats and calves but with his own blood, thus obtaining eternal redemption “. It is the grace of God that is present in the cloud of fire. God lead the Israelites with a pillar of cloud in the day and with a pillar of fire in the night. This was the assurance of God’s protection and deliverance from our days of darkness and trouble. It also throws light on his mercy to save his people of their sin and guilt. In our present-day life, it reveals the presence of God as He sets a table before us in the presence of our enemies. The Glory of the Lord was felt and recognized by the Israelites in their deliverance. Though we all have fallen short of the Glory of God, He has made it free for us through the blood shed at Calvary. It is our choice weather to accept or not. Let us lead a life enjoying the presence of our risen Lord and go out to the world with the power of resurrected Christ. Amen.
Lord we humbly come to your presence with our guilts and sin. Cleanse us Lord. Enable us to listen to your voice and lead a life with the risen Christ pleasing you every day.
“I will sing of your steadfast love O lord forever, and with my mouth I will proclaim your faithfulness to all generations “.
Dr. Thomas K.Jose, Mar Thoma Church Staten island
Christian Education Forum, Diocese of NAE of the Mar Thoma Church