Word for the day by Christian Education Forum
Emmaus journey: journey of realization, revelation and reason
Luke 24:13-33
Vs 32 They asked each other, “Were not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us?”
We all know the story of Emmaus' journey. As a post resurrection narrative, it has more relevance in the salvific act of our Lord Jesus Christ. This seven-mile journey was a life changing journey for the two disciples. Jesus asked them “What were you discussing together as you walked along?” Cleopas replied, “You are the only visitor that doesn't know the things that had happened here at Jerusalem.” They started a conversation - a conversation of salvation. They had not recognized Jesus when he joined them because their eyes were kept from recognize Him. At that time, they had only a “partial vision” or an unclear understanding about the Christ event. But this journey helped them to get a new understanding about the crucifixion and also the glory of the risen Christ.
1. This is the journey of realization
While on the road to Emmaus, the disciples were arguing till Jesus came and walked with them. Once Jesus walked with them, the presence of Jesus brought them to a new understanding of the salvation made possible by him. The time spent with Jesus was a time of realization of the meaning of the incidents in their life. The presence of Christ made the difference.
Do we desire the presence of Jesus in our life journey? Or do we wish to be elusive in our companionship with him? When we are ready to commit to a life with Jesus, he will make our life journeys more meaningful.
2. This is a journey for revelation
Even though Jesus walked with them and spoke to them the two disciples could realize it is Jesus, only at the time of meal when he broke the bread. The meal time became a revelation time. God often speaks to us through different means in our daily life. Revelations and manifestations of God are a recurring process in history. For example, Moses was given that revelation in a burning bush while tending sheep. Many of our fore-fathers and mothers experienced God’s comforting presence and revelation through their prayerful life. Today we can encounter God’s revelation in the ground realities of our lives. God speaks to us through different means. We need to keep ourselves open to Him. For example, God can speak to us through a need. Needy people are God’s revelation to the people who have something in their hands. We are now going through a pandemic situation. Through tough times we can realize the presence and revelation of our Savior God.
3. This is a journey for a reason.
Every journey has its own purpose and reason. This journey was to burn their hearts. They felt that burning in their minds while Jesus talking about scripture on the way to Emmaus. If we have real passion towards something there must be a reason behind that.
Our life is a journey and it has two parts. First half is in this world and we all are in the first part now with God. In this first part we have lots of experiences and needs to survive and to move forward. In second part we are with God in eternal world leading an eternal life there. Our entry into the second part, that is eternal life, depends on what happens in our first part of the journey.
Emmaus journey was followed by a reverse journey to Jerusalem. Our present journey should be a reason to our reverse journey to new Jerusalem. May God help us to continue our journey and the world to come.
1. This is the journey of realization
While on the road to Emmaus, the disciples were arguing till Jesus came and walked with them. Once Jesus walked with them, the presence of Jesus brought them to a new understanding of the salvation made possible by him. The time spent with Jesus was a time of realization of the meaning of the incidents in their life. The presence of Christ made the difference.
Do we desire the presence of Jesus in our life journey? Or do we wish to be elusive in our companionship with him? When we are ready to commit to a life with Jesus, he will make our life journeys more meaningful.
2. This is a journey for revelation
Even though Jesus walked with them and spoke to them the two disciples could realize it is Jesus, only at the time of meal when he broke the bread. The meal time became a revelation time. God often speaks to us through different means in our daily life. Revelations and manifestations of God are a recurring process in history. For example, Moses was given that revelation in a burning bush while tending sheep. Many of our fore-fathers and mothers experienced God’s comforting presence and revelation through their prayerful life. Today we can encounter God’s revelation in the ground realities of our lives. God speaks to us through different means. We need to keep ourselves open to Him. For example, God can speak to us through a need. Needy people are God’s revelation to the people who have something in their hands. We are now going through a pandemic situation. Through tough times we can realize the presence and revelation of our Savior God.
3. This is a journey for a reason.
Every journey has its own purpose and reason. This journey was to burn their hearts. They felt that burning in their minds while Jesus talking about scripture on the way to Emmaus. If we have real passion towards something there must be a reason behind that.
Our life is a journey and it has two parts. First half is in this world and we all are in the first part now with God. In this first part we have lots of experiences and needs to survive and to move forward. In second part we are with God in eternal world leading an eternal life there. Our entry into the second part, that is eternal life, depends on what happens in our first part of the journey.
Emmaus journey was followed by a reverse journey to Jerusalem. Our present journey should be a reason to our reverse journey to new Jerusalem. May God help us to continue our journey and the world to come.
O Lord, as we walk with you in our life journey, open our eyes to see you and know your ways, amen.
God opens his heart to us in different ways. Let us keep our eyes open for it.
Rev. Simon Kurian, NEW Jersey Randolph MTC, USA
Christian Education Forum, Diocese of NAE of the Mar Thoma Church
Rev. Simon Kurian, NEW Jersey Randolph MTC, USA
Christian Education Forum, Diocese of NAE of the Mar Thoma Church