Word for the day by Christian Education Forum

Jesus way to the Father
John 14: 1-9

v6b No one comes to the Father except through me.
.In the above passage we see the disciples are troubled about Jesus leaving them. Jesus comforts them and tells them he would abandon them. Rather he reveals two things. Firstly, He is going to prepare a place for all who believe in him. and when he returns They would be eternally with him. secondly Jesus reveals the oneness which is the Son and Father. This is the beginning of the understanding in the triune God for the disciples. The disciples even could not believe what Jesus said. Philip said Lord show us the Father and that will be enough for us. Here Jesus answered ,don’t you know me Philip? Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father.
Knowing God and accepting God is the biggest and best of the blessings promised in the gospel. Equally, knowing God is celebrated in the Scriptures as the supreme gift of grace. By the words and by works, God made himself known on the stage of history in saving action.  First God declared what he was going to do in Exodus when he saved Israel of captivity in Egypt. But in the fullness time He sent His own Son born of a woman to redeem those who were sinners like you and me, so that we might be saved and become children in his family.
We have received salvation by Grace through faith in Jesus the Christ. He gave us the privilege to become the true disciples.
O Lord, our father in heaven, we thank you and praise you for your redeeming act on the cross.
Strengthen us to follow the Way, the Truth and the Life by the presence of your Holy Spirit. Amen.

 “For everything comes from God alone. Everything lives by His power and everything for His Glory” (Romans.11.36)
Cherian Alexander, Mar Thoma Church of Dallas Farmers Branch
Christian Education Forum, Diocese of NAE of the Mar Thoma Church

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