Word for the day by Christian Education Forum

Holy Communion: Jesus, the Bread of Life
Matthew 26:17-30
Vs 26b "Take eat; this is my body."
Per most Christian denominations, historically, Lenten season is a time of renewal and re-commitment. From very early times, predominant Christian communities around the world have experienced renewed life and spiritual energy through fasting combined with meditations, especially during Lenten seasons. In fact, many strong believers looked forward to the long period (40 or 50 days) of this partial or disciplined fasting with daily prayer and spiritual meditation routines. In today’s era, it seems impractical where most of us are unable to keep up a disciplined lent routine, with constant interruptions - TVs, Computers, Mobile Phones, Media contacts and so on. 
In this Biblical portion, during the last supper, Jesus blesses the Bread and the Wine and shares them with His disciples, establishing an everlasting tradition of Holy Eucharist. Almost all Christian Churches continue to follow this tradition with full commitment. As generations go by, the value and admiration given to this great Christian tradition appear to be diminishing.
During this time, Jesus also brings out the traitor in Judas. A traitor, by definition, is one who pretends to be loyal to one group or person but has a hidden agenda to cause problems or destroy that same person or group. Although many of us do not think of ourselves as traitors, when it comes to clean Christian living, at one point or another, we are all traitors. In the modern world, it’s easy to fall away from true spirituality and follow paths that can lead us to darkness and disorientation. 
Passion week is the ideal time to reevaluate our Christian commitment and do an inventory of what we lack and what we need to do, to get back to clean Christian living. As mentioned in old manuscripts and Vedas, a clean heart and a clean spirit is devoid of worries and physical issues. Let us pray and meditate to attain that level of cleanliness, especially in modern times of despair. 
To summarize: Christ is the Passover Lamb who has removed the sins of humans, thus sparing God’s wrath. When we place our trust in Jesus, our darkness becomes a bright light and our forward paths become clearer to us and our shortcomings are made more obvious to us. Once we have this strong faith in Him, death passes over us, as it did for the Israelites in the Old Testament.
Father, during this time of remembering Thy son’s sufferings and sacrifice, provide us the wisdom to realize our shortcomings. Allow us to put our full trust in You through our thoughts, words and deeds. Let others see us as a true follower of You and let us shine Your light for others that are in darkness and need.
For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes.
1 Corinthians 11:26
Dr. Eapen Daniel, Christos MTC, Philadelphia.
Christian Education Forum, Diocese of NAE of the Mar Thoma Church

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