Word for the day by Christian Education Forum

Hosanna : Christ the Prince of Peace
Mark 11:1-11
v9b“Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!”

The passage which we are dwelling upon this day is popularly titled in the bible as “The triumphant entry”.  The crowd welcoming Jesus into Jerusalem are in a festive mood and it’s a great celebration which is similar to that given for a King. The words of Hosanna fill the city as Jesus rides in seated on a donkey - which again symbolizes a King coming in peace. The expectations of the crowd crying out hosanna which means “Save us now”, for the Messiah to deliver them from political bondage of the Roman Empire could have increased the frenzy of the event and captivated the minds of many in Jerusalem. Yet we see that Jesus stood by His purpose of taking the role of the servant King who is not overthrowing the Roman rule or the capturing authority for Himself but is focused to fulfill the Messianic role by sacrificing himself. 
 The servant king on the humble donkey reminds us today of:
1.    The servant King who becomes the Savior
Jesus entry into Jerusalem in plain sight was an opportunity for all Jews including the Rabbis to see the purpose of Jesus and his role as the Son of God- the coming Messiah, but unfortunately they are not able to realize or understand this and also we see that they later will accuse Him of blasphemy and sentence Him to be crucified. 
 2.    The servant king who leads us to Service and not to authority
The ministry of Jesus was always filled with compassion for the people around Him and all that He did was pointing to the servitude of His life for others. He even discourages His disciples who demand authority and share of power but rather teaches them and all who follow Him to become the servant for each other and thereby express God’s love. The washing of feet at the last supper will become a lasting impression on the disciples as the Master gives a final example of being the servant and not the master. 
 3.    The servant king who captures our hearts with His love than His power
Jesus did enter Jerusalem triumphantly, in public, with a huge crowd welcoming and celebrating His entry. They were singing out praises to Him which would have caught the attention of all those in power. He never exerted power, but it was always love which He shared with those in need and those who were even ostracized from the society. The ultimate expression of His love by taking up the cross will be witnessed by the majority of all who are crying out hosanna to Him. Ultimately it was love which triumphed over power. 
Lord we pray that the servant King will rule our thoughts, words and actions and lead us to a life of servitude in love.

The triumphant entry of Jesus did not make him take a seat on the throne at Jerusalem but led him to be crucified on the cross for our salvation. 

Rev. Thomas K. Mathew, Philadelphia- Youth Chaplain
Christian Education Forum, Diocese of NAE of the Mar Thoma Church

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