Word for the day by Christian Education Forum

Easter: Celebration of New Life in Christ
Luke 24:1-12
Vs 5b-6 Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; he has risen! Remember how he told you while he was still with you in Galilee.
The pandemic Covid-19 has caused much panic and chaos throughout the world. The traditional way of Sunday worship, observation of lent and especially the Passion Week was shattered. It has prompted us to realize that things won't work always according to our planning and calculations. The concepts we have about wealth, health, job security, socialization, nationality, religious orientation, etc have to be redefined.
Luke's gospel helps us to know more about the faith and devotion of the women who followed Jesus in his ministry. The women mentioned in this passage were the ones who accompanied Jesus from Galilee. They were there at Golgotha and did not flee from the scene, when the other followers left in fear. They waited there till the body was laid in the tomb (23:55) They were the ones who ventured to go to the tomb early in the morning, to embalm the body, when even the disciples did not dare to come out. Even though Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus embalmed the body (John 19:38-40) these women prepared the spices to embalm it. As they set out their worry was about the huge stone at the entrance of the tomb (Mark 16:3). But to their amazement, the stone was removed. But the body of Jesus was missing.
What they worried about did not happen.
This is true in our lives also. We spend a lot of time worrying about many things unnecessarily. David Brooks has said that our society is under the 'epidemic of worry'. Jesus taught us not to worry (Mathew 6:25-33)
What the women planned to perform, could not be done. But what they could witness was far more wonderful and great than what they had expected to do. So never underestimate God's plans for our lives and in the world.
When the angel told the women about Jesus' resurrection, they could not believe it at first. They could not imagine such a thing. The angel asked them to revive their memory regarding Jesus' prediction about the death on the cross and the resurrection. They remembered his words and were happy to grasp the significance of the empty tomb. They hurried to convey this joyful message of resurrection to the other disciples. Thus they became the first messengers of resurrection. Jesus took women seriously in a way that other men of his time didn't. In the gospels we have many instances where men rejected Jesus. In this portion we read about the zeal and devotion of the women.
The response of the disciples is strange. Even after walking closely with Jesus throughout his ministry and listening to his words, they could not remember his words about his passion, death and resurrection. They ridiculed the women thinking that they were talking nonsense. May be it was because they still held the so called Jewish attitude of contempt toward women. Even after walking with Jesus there was not much change in their attitude and behavior. Is it so in our faith journey?
This passage also points us to think about our parishes/ congregations.
Can the people seeking Jesus find him in our midst? Are we a vibrant and spirit filled community which is ready to face all the challenges and adversities the world faces today with hope and peace of mind. Or are we a dead community as the Church in Sardis was? (Revelations 3:1)
As we celebrate Easter, let us examine our lives in the light of this gospel portion and realize that no matter what happens in life, the resurrected Christ is with us to lead us and guide us.
Dear Lord, help us to realize our shortcomings and forgetfulness and to rededicate ourselves to walk with you in the newness of life. Amen.
'The worrier is the opposite of a lighthouse. He doesn't give out energy for the benefit of others. He absorbs energy at others' cost'. David Brooks

Rev. Dr. Philip Varghese, Sinai Center, New York
Christian Education Forum, Diocese of NAE of the Mar Thoma Church

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