Word for the day by Christian Education Forum

The Forgiving Christ
Mark 2:2-12
Vs 5b - "Son, your sins are forgiven" 
Healing of the Paralytic man in Mark 2 depicts three important aspects of Jesus's ministry – teaching, preaching and healing. Mark wants the present society to be fully aware of this. His disciples and followers witnessed these where ever they followed him.
1. Church is a forgiving community.
The church in the world is a group of people that have experienced the forgiveness of Christ. Only God and he alone can forgive our sins. He manifested this through his sacrificial death on Calvary. Forgiveness of sins leads us unto full healing and abundant life. If our sins are not forgiven we are immersed in guilt and eternal hell is our destiny. The Church which is the body of Christ invites us to the state of forgiveness, eternal happiness and glory. Healing of our sickness is an external sign of forgiveness of our sins.

2.Church is a healing community
Mark proclaims that Church shall be involved in the healing ministry of Christ. To heal our wounds, He got himself wounded and because of his stripes we are healed. Even at the last hours of his ministry we see him healing the ear lobe of the high priest. Here in the story of the paralytic man, we see that when the house, the faith of the four friends and Christ united together the paralytic got healed. Jesus came to the world to give abundant, rich and satisfying life.

3.Church is caring community.
Church is one that cares about the suffering humanity. Here we see the friends overcoming all the obstacles and borders of obstruction and bringing the paralytic to the feet of Healer, Jesus. For them healing of their friend was the prime important deed. When the house was ready to absorb any loss or any give and take in the ordeal of bringing the sick man to Jesus, healing became a reality. The first century church has a history of caring and supporting (Acts 2). If that is the format then we who are living in this age and who constitute the present church shall also be a caring and consoling church.

Lord we know and admit that we are sinners. We want to get healed today. Forgive us of our sins and make us worthy to called your children. Let us be a caring, forgiving and supporting community. Amen
If we confess our sins He is ready to forgive our sins and accept us his children.

Rev.Baby John
Vicar, Adoor  Mar Thoma Church

Christian Education Forum, Diocese of NAE of the Mar Thoma Church

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