Word for the day by Christian Education Forum

Cleansing Christ
2 Kings 5:1-14
Vs 14 -  So, he went down and dipped himself in the Jordan seven times as the man of God had told him, and his flesh was restored and became clean like that of a young boy.
 Naaman was a military leader of one of the most powerful nations, Aram. He was a man of power, prestige, position and wealth but was a leprosy patient. Leprosy was a taboo in the society as it was rejected socially and the physical suffering one has to undergo. Leprosy was an incurable disease and was associated with ritual uncleanliness. They were usually isolated from the general public. God  always use the  weak  to humble the mighty. Here the young captive Israelite girl is advising Naaman to go to Elisha the prophet and get healed.
 Here in this devotion we can go through three important aspects of God’s provision for Him to clean us and free of our sickness. Naaman was a wealthy man and he offered Elisha a prize money for his cure that was denied. We will not be able to buy with worldly wealth God’s blessings and forgiveness of sin. It is only that is granted out of His mercy.
Naaman was forced to dip in the muddy waters of Jordan showing the need for our obedience.
Naaman was not healed by the magic touch of Eisha but he was cleansed by the power of God in response to Naaman’s obedience. Dipping in Jordan also signifies that we may have to go through the Jordan experience like the Israelites to get God’s healing and forgiveness. It is important that we learn three qualities of the captive girl also in this passage. She was a courageous girl. Her trust in God and her firm belief in Elisha’s God given power forced her to advise her master to meet Elisha. She was very happy, and content and the worries of captivity never bothered her. She has full faith in Elisha’s power and the miracles he has done.
Let us learn from the servant girl to be happy, content, brave and faithful and be doers than preachers and do what is right at the right time. Let us be willing and obedient like Naaman to be cleansed by our Lord this morning. Let us surrender all our pride and position at His feet and listen to what he commands us to do. Our Lord is a compassionate one and listens to our cry. Let this lent season be one of cleansing and sanctifying.
Lord we accept that we are sinners. Touch us and cleanse us and make us worthy to be called your children. Amen
Lord I’m ready to obey you fully, forgive me and cleanse me by the blood shed on Calvary.

Dr Thomas K.Jose, The Mar Thoma Church Staten island, NY
Christian Education Forum, Diocese of NAE of the Mar Thoma Church

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