Word for the day by Christian Education Forum

Cleansing Christ
Exodus 12:21-28
Vs 26b “..what do you mean by this service?..”
                      Here we read that Moses the leader instructs the Israelites to kill the Passover lamb. It is the sacrifice of the Lord's Passover wherein the angel of the Lord passed over the houses of Israelites, marked with hyssop, dipped in the blood of the sacrificed animal. Passover signifies that an animal had to be sacrificed.  In 1 Corinthians 5:7 we read, “For Christ our passover also has been sacrificed”. This Passover event is looking forward to our greater Passover, the Passover from our sins. Let us thank God for Jesus Christ our true and eternal purifier from all iniquity and unrighteousness. The cup which holds the blood is what withholds God's wrath.  Blood is not only symbolizing protection for those who possess it, but also symbolize god's wrath for those who don't.
                       Nothing but the blood of Christ can save us, it is an eternal truth concerning Christ which is pictured in the ancient event. Without receiving Christ through his finished work, there can be no cleansing or redemption, but only fear of death and condemnation.  Jesus was a sinless lamb fully pleasing God.  He did not have anything unrighteous for which he owed payment, but we did.   If Jesus had never come to earth, we would have been eternally separated from God.   He loved the world so much he came to redeem us. His death on the cross enabled us to enter and adopted into God's family. Jesus’s sacrifice changed us from being outsiders to children of God. 
                      If anyone has never received this gift out of God's love and grace, be sure to do it today. Just as God received the faith of Moses and Israelites in obeying the fulfillment of Passover, He is faithful to receive you as his child if you are ready to come to his throne of grace.  
Lord Jesus, we know that nothing but your blood can save us from eternal separation.  Help me to repent, turn back from my sins, cleanse me through your blood you shed on the cross.  Amen.
Receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior today: for now, is the time of God's favor.

Dr. John K. Thomas, Tabore MTC Staten Island , NY
Christian Education Forum, Diocese of NAE of the Mar Thoma Church

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