Word for the day by Christian Education Forum
Baptism of our Lord - Outward and inward spirituality
Acts 19:1-7
Vs 4 - Paul said, “John’s baptism was a baptism of repentance. He told the people to believe in the one coming after him, that is, in Jesus.”
The Mar Thoma Syrian Church celebrates 6th of January as the "Feast of Epiphany" every year. "Danaho" is the Syrian equivalent used for epiphany. It means the revelation of glory. The glory of Jesus Christ was revealed at the beginning of his public ministry during the occasion of his baptism. "This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased"(Matthew 3:17). The Church celebrates this occasion of Jesus's baptism as the revelation of Christ's glory.
In Acts 19:1-7, St. Luke the author of Acts of the Apostles, engages in a deeper discourse over the baptism of John the Baptist and Jesus's baptism. The early Church didn’t consider the baptism done by John as the Christian baptism that Jesus commanded. Paul instructs some disciples in Ephesus who had not known about the Holy Spirit, as they had only known about Jesus and taken John’s baptism. As they did not have any knowledge about the existence of the Holy Spirit they would not have yielded to its work. So for them, baptism without the knowledge and giving of the Holy Spirit would have been only an external ritual. After proper instruction from Paul, they were baptized in the name of Lord Jesus and received the Holy Spirit with the laying on of Paul’s hands, just as John the Baptist had prophesied (Luke 3:16).
From history, we can see that there were several heretical groups that formed in the first century claiming to be followers of John the Baptist. Recording this account would have been Luke’s way of nullifying the effect of these groups. John’s ministry all the time pointed away from himself and towards Jesus Christ.
Luke describes baptism as “in the name of Jesus”. Matthew describes baptism as “in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit”. The baptism formula is not the key to salvation, but it is more of the heart of the person being baptized. To view the formula as the key is to place the wrong emphasis. Salvation is not the sacramental correctness of a rite, but an entering into a repentant/faith relationship with Jesus. As far as we know Apollos, who also only knew the baptism of John, was not rebaptized! The Spirit was obvious in his powerful preaching and teaching.
Salvation is a personal relationship which involves the whole person, but often this is a progressive experience as the relationship deepens as more scriptural information is understood. Outward expressions of spirituality in the forms of symbols, rites and rituals is necessary for us to have an inward growth in Christ. Outward and Inward aspects of spirituality are both equal like the two sides of a coin which designates its real value. Mere emphasis on one aspect alone will only result in the devaluation of its spiritual value. Baptism as a sacrament, acts as a means of grace. It signifies joining into Christ and his ministry and it also signifies that the Holy Spirit dwells in the one who receives it.
Celebration of the Feast of Epiphany should enable us to reveal God's glory through us, as it happened during the baptism of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Let us grow in faith with deep roots in the word of God. May the triune God enable us to live a life reflecting the eternal glory.
In Acts 19:1-7, St. Luke the author of Acts of the Apostles, engages in a deeper discourse over the baptism of John the Baptist and Jesus's baptism. The early Church didn’t consider the baptism done by John as the Christian baptism that Jesus commanded. Paul instructs some disciples in Ephesus who had not known about the Holy Spirit, as they had only known about Jesus and taken John’s baptism. As they did not have any knowledge about the existence of the Holy Spirit they would not have yielded to its work. So for them, baptism without the knowledge and giving of the Holy Spirit would have been only an external ritual. After proper instruction from Paul, they were baptized in the name of Lord Jesus and received the Holy Spirit with the laying on of Paul’s hands, just as John the Baptist had prophesied (Luke 3:16).
From history, we can see that there were several heretical groups that formed in the first century claiming to be followers of John the Baptist. Recording this account would have been Luke’s way of nullifying the effect of these groups. John’s ministry all the time pointed away from himself and towards Jesus Christ.
Luke describes baptism as “in the name of Jesus”. Matthew describes baptism as “in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit”. The baptism formula is not the key to salvation, but it is more of the heart of the person being baptized. To view the formula as the key is to place the wrong emphasis. Salvation is not the sacramental correctness of a rite, but an entering into a repentant/faith relationship with Jesus. As far as we know Apollos, who also only knew the baptism of John, was not rebaptized! The Spirit was obvious in his powerful preaching and teaching.
Salvation is a personal relationship which involves the whole person, but often this is a progressive experience as the relationship deepens as more scriptural information is understood. Outward expressions of spirituality in the forms of symbols, rites and rituals is necessary for us to have an inward growth in Christ. Outward and Inward aspects of spirituality are both equal like the two sides of a coin which designates its real value. Mere emphasis on one aspect alone will only result in the devaluation of its spiritual value. Baptism as a sacrament, acts as a means of grace. It signifies joining into Christ and his ministry and it also signifies that the Holy Spirit dwells in the one who receives it.
Celebration of the Feast of Epiphany should enable us to reveal God's glory through us, as it happened during the baptism of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Let us grow in faith with deep roots in the word of God. May the triune God enable us to live a life reflecting the eternal glory.
Dear Lord, shower the blessings of your Holy Spirit upon us to reveal your glory through our life. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.
Outward fruits of our spirituality become more tasteful, when we have deeper roots in faith.
Merlin Binoy- Staten Island Mar Thoma Church, New York
Christian Education Forum, Diocese of NAE of the Mar Thoma Church
Merlin Binoy- Staten Island Mar Thoma Church, New York
Christian Education Forum, Diocese of NAE of the Mar Thoma Church