Word for the day by Christian Education Forum

Word for the Day
"Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path".
Psalm 119:105
Being Partners in God's Ministry
Luke 10:25-37
And went to him, and bound up his wounds, pouring in oil and wine, and set him own his beast and bought him to an inn, and took care of him (Luke 10:34).
1. Ministry: Transcending boundaries: Priest and Levite who are expected to help, pass without stopping. We can pose many reasons for their withdrawal such as hurrying to their temple duties, which they regarded more ultimately more significant than helping a single injured person. Or they have thought that the man was dead and were concerned that by touching him, they would make themselves legally unclean and so unfit for their responsibilities.Jesus through this discourse enlightens us that, rituals, tradition and laws should lead us to create a new humanity where we extend our arms to those who are in need. He transcended all boundaries to touch the other person.Jesus as the Good Samaritan came for the healing of the injured people of his own community as well as for the others when the responsible ones are not showing mercy towards the same. Through our ministry, we are expected to do the same as Jesus shown to us.

2. Ministry: Being Compassionate: The Samaritan had vision and inner vision where the former travelers lacked the later one. Listeners are not given much detail about the third traveler. He was referred as a Samaritan. He was moved out of compassion. He interrupts his own journey in order to bind up the man's wound, using wine to cleanse and oil as balm.The Samaritan does, to be sure, travel on the next day, but only after he has made provision for the man's continued care. His feeling is not just a feeling, but a series of concrete actions in which he expands himself and his resources to meet the need of the injured man. We should also rise in action like Good Samaritan towards the realities around us in which our lives itself should become a Eucharistic life for others.
Gracious God, fill us with your mercy and compassion so that we may become your instruments in meeting the needs of our neighbors who are in need, Amen.

When we work together with Christ we can achieve God's will.
Christian Education Forum, Diocese of NAE of the Mar Thoma Church

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