Word for the day by Christian Education Forum
Luke 1:46-55
Luke 1:46-55
For he has been mindful of the humble state of his servant. From now on all generations will call me blessed, for the Mighty One has done great things for me holy is his name. (Luke 1:48,49)
Mary's song—The Magnificent: The Latin word Magnificat means "to magnify". Mary's song, has the feel and form of a psalm, which magnifies the greatness, and goodness of Gad, as He sends the promised Messiah. To magnify God, is to see Him more clearly and communicate Him more dearly to those around us. Mary wants her hearers to open their spiritual eyes wider and see more of God than they already do. Let all of us who have been rescued by the amazing grace and everlasting mercy of God say with Mary" My soul magnifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior!." This praise song is a jubilant prayer, a humble, sincere outpouring of Mary's gratitude for God. It reflects God's power, holiness, mercy and promises to his people. Mary's song is similar to Hannah's song (1. Samuel, 2:1-10). Both these songs of praise echoes the theme of God lifting the downtrodden and instituting moral, economic social change (Luke, 1: 51-53). Mary, a woman of faith: God chose Mary, a young peasant woman, for one of the most important acts of obedience he has demanded of any one. In the scripture, God's announcement of a child was met with various responses. Sarah, Abraham's wife laughed and Zechariah doubted. By contrast, Mary submitted when she heard the Angel saying "Nothing is impossible with God". How is our faith journey? Do we believe that God is able to do the impossible for us. We ask God's favor but waver when his response does not seem logical. Our rational mind asks logical questions—why, where and how? Sadly, we have lost our ability to truly believe God's plans. Mary, a blessed woman! : Let us remember that God's favor often does not bring instant success or fame. God's blessings on Mary, the honor of being the mother of the Messiah, would lead to much pain. Her peers would ridicule her, her fiancĂ© would come close to leaving her, and her son would be rejected and killed. Despite all of these, Mary fully believed in God's plan. Mary, the mother of Jesus, stands apart from all the women in history. Adoration - for her is 'ageless, classless, race less and timeless'. Through famous paintings, statues, art on stain glass windows in magnificent cathedrals, literature and music, no woman in history of the world has been so honored and revered. She was truly a woman blessed by God. As Christians let us pray to have Mary's submission to God's will, -Mary's acceptance of God's plan for her and the purity of he heart to praise God. Prayer: Lord, help me to be what you want me to be In character, actions, and will. Amen. |
God's intervention in every human life is to be celebrated.
Christian Education Forum, Diocese of NAE of the Mar Thoma Church
Christian Education Forum, Diocese of NAE of the Mar Thoma Church