Word for the day by Christian Education Forum

Re-reading of the Scripture with the Risen Lord
Luke 24:13-27Rev Denny Philip
Carmel MTC, Boston, MA
26 Was it not necessary that the Messiah should suffer these things and then enter into his glory?”
Luke here brings our attention to the evening of Easter. The two travelling to Emmaus though their identity is not clear, belongs to the same group as the women who saw Jesus risen. They represent the fear, doubt and despair of the discipleship community even at the evening of Easter. The narration depicts how the presence of the risen Christ turned the direction of their journey from Emmaus to Jerusalem. Today we will focus our meditation on two aspects which helped these disciples to experience the power of resurrection.
Rereading of the scripture: On their way they were discussing on the happenings in Jerusalem. They were contemplating the Christ event, crucifixion and the resurrection amidst their fear and frustration. They were more preoccupied with their doubt and suspicion than faith in the Lord. The news of resurrection shocks them and intensifies their fears. So their present understanding of the scripture as well as their recollection of the Christ event results in further hopelessness. Jesus thus calls them “foolish” and “slow heart to believe”. Jesus’ interpretation of the scripture gives them a new light under which they were able to re interpret the Christ event. The proper opening of the scriptures burned their hearts and filled them with the insights of resurrection. (v.32)
Breaking of the Bread: The words “When he was at the table with them, he took bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to them” (v.30) reminds us of the night of the great supper where the sacrament of Holy Communion was instituted. Their eyes are opened during the sacrament. The sacraments help us to appropriate the mysteries that the human mind cannot comprehend and explain.  The mystery of the resurrection is revealed and experienced in the sacrament. The early church experienced and transmitted the message of resurrection, not through logical arguments and cognitive exercises, but through the participation in the sacraments.

The rereading of the scripture as well as the participation in the sacraments helps the disciples to open their eyes to see the risen Lord, which helped them to return to Jerusalem to be crucified with Jesus.


Lord, give us Your light to have the experience of resurrection so that we may move beyond our fears and frustrations to take up the tasks You have entrusted us. Amen.

Resurrection is a promise that helps to read the present with hope. 

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