Word for the day by Christian Education Forum
Phoenix MTC
21 He returned from following him, took the yoke of oxen,
and slaughtered them; using the equipment from the oxen, he boiled their flesh,
and gave it to the people, and they ate. Then he set out and followed Elijah,
and became his servant.
In 1 Kings 19, God provides for
his servant, Elijah in all facets of his needs. After Elijah flees to the
wilderness and prays to God so that he may die, God sustains him physically and
nourishes his haggard state. When Elijah complains to God of his loneliness,
God instructs him to anoint Elisha to succeed him as prophet, thus
allowing him to find a companion in Elisha and to never again walk alone.
Although Elisha does not perform any prophetic miracles before Elijah is taken
up to heaven, Elisha’s eagerness to follow Elijah shows that he is indeed a
prophet-in-training. By slaughtering his oxen as a sacrifice and burning the
plowing equipment to cook the meat, Elisha establishes himself as a source of
God’s great abundance, just like Elijah.
Although Elisha’s call to serve did not directly involve an encounter with God, like that of Ezekiel (visions), Isaiah (cherubim and seraphim), or Moses (burning bush), Elijah calls and mentors Elisha to be his successor, by the call of discipleship. It’s important to realize that God’s response to Elijah’s pleas of loneliness and discouragement (v. 14), signifies the continuation of prophetic leadership so that Elijah will realize that he is not alone in his prophetic leadership. This alludes to the significant recognition of nurturing the next generation of leaders in our Church. Just as Elisha walked with Elijah to fulfil the will of God, we must provide for and nurture our successors upon our passing. If we are called to serve, we must also be prepared to walk alongside our brothers and sisters in Christ.
Although Elisha’s call to serve did not directly involve an encounter with God, like that of Ezekiel (visions), Isaiah (cherubim and seraphim), or Moses (burning bush), Elijah calls and mentors Elisha to be his successor, by the call of discipleship. It’s important to realize that God’s response to Elijah’s pleas of loneliness and discouragement (v. 14), signifies the continuation of prophetic leadership so that Elijah will realize that he is not alone in his prophetic leadership. This alludes to the significant recognition of nurturing the next generation of leaders in our Church. Just as Elisha walked with Elijah to fulfil the will of God, we must provide for and nurture our successors upon our passing. If we are called to serve, we must also be prepared to walk alongside our brothers and sisters in Christ.
our modern world, the true cost of committing to discipleship requires turning
away from the world’s values and treasures. For those in the modern quest for
prestige (successful job and status) and the perfect life (perfect spouse,
kids, house, community), what would it mean to be willing to submit to the
will of a prophet and follow him wherever he goes to fulfill the will of God,
just as Elisha followed Elijah without any hesitation or trepidation? Like
Elijah tested Elisha, the Lord longs to see whether we will press on further,
following hard after Him.
Blessed Saviour, Help us to recognize Your call in the same way
that Elisha swiftly answered the call to serve, rejected all worldly values and
societal expectations to gloriously walk in the light. Help us to
recognize and see the work of Your hands manifested in our family,
friends, and strangers alike.
“No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God.” (Luke 9:62)
“No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God.” (Luke 9:62)