Word for the day by Christian Education Forum

Living Stone and a Chosen People

                                                          Ciji Thomas

St. John’s MTC New York

5. you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.

We live in a day and age where some Christians are questioning their purpose in life. Peter says in this chapter that we exist solely to “declare praises to Him who called you out of darkness into His wonderful light.”v.9.  We exist to spread the sovereign authority of Christ in everything we do so that others may come to know who Jesus is. The word of God is so vital to the growth of a Christian. We should continue to crave “spiritual milk” just like the newborn babies because we should never get tired of the truth of the gospel.
Peter is identifying us Christians as a chosen race. He is not talking to us as individuals rather he is talking to us as a Church. We were chosen to be Christians; this is our God given identity. We are chosen, shown mercy, possessed by Christ, and deemed holy all for the sake of being a royal priesthood. Peter described people as the “living stones who are being built into a spiritual house to be a royal priesthood.” He described Jesus as the “cornerstone,” where He is set first as the foundation and all the other stones are placed around this particular one. What we need to realize is that the way we view our church is how we reflect in our ministry. We can become so wrapped up in building bigger churches and looking at the numbers in an institution but we need to focus on developing people into Christ’s disciples. We want them to learn and have a passion to follow and love Jesus. Like it was said earlier, we exist solely to spread the sovereign authority of Christ so others may know Him. In order to do that it is extremely important to remember that the church that we call our home can only be built on the sturdiest foundation, Jesus Christ.



Our Heavenly Father, give us strength to face our struggles on a daily basis. Help us by Your grace to offer words of comfort to those in need.  Lord, help us to grow in faith as a church and to become stronger as a community.  Amen.

Let us strive to be the living hope in a fallen world.

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