Word for the day by Christian Education Forum

Ordained Ministry:Marked by the Wounds of Christ

Rev. Dennis Abraham
Youth Chaplain, South East Region
16 A second time he said to him, “Simon son of John, do you love me?” He said to him, “Yes, Lord; you know that I love you.” Jesus said to him, “Tend my sheep.” 

This passage highlights an end point of the ministry of Jesus. Notice that Jesus asks Peter three times: “Do you love me?” The reason: Peter had denied knowing Jesus three times. This was a point where Jesus was publically reaffirming Peter’s faith, enabling Peter to counteract the three declarations of denial with three affirmations of love, and to prepare him for the shepherding ministry. The three questions challenged Peter to critically reflect on his relationship with the Lord, as he was going to embark on this great ministry.

To be loved by the Lord is the greatest privilege we have as Christians. But it comes with a great responsibility: to serve the Lord to the extent that we may be hurt, wounded, or may even have to give our life for Him. Our love for Christ is not complete until and unless we are willing to offer our life for His purpose. Being the children of God, we are His witnesses, and the royal priesthood (I Pet 2:9). Hence, we all have a part in the ministry of the Lord, in one way or another. With the time, talents, and treasures God has given us, what can we do for the building up of the Holy Church and for the extension of God’s kingdom? Our response is a clear indication of the love we have for the Lord. Our work is fruitful only when we love the Lord in the same way He loves us.

This week as a church, we are remembering the ministry of the ordained ministers (bishops, clergy and deacons) of the church. Throughout the history and development of our church, ordained ministers have played an important role in leading and guiding the people of God, through the ministry of word and sacrament. They are shepherding people to connect and be with God through their daily lives and bringing them to the saving experience of the Lord. Let us continue to pray for them as they continue to minister and guide us in the coming days.


Lord, we thank you for the privilege given to us to hear the gospel. The harvest is plentiful and gatherers are afew. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, empower and inspire us to labor for your vineyard, so that your name may be glorified and made known to humanity. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

Today, Jesus asks us, “Do you love me?” What is your response? What is your contribution to the ministry of the church?

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