Word for the day by Christian Education Forum

Wisdom From Above

Dr. Aleena Cherian
St. Thomas MTC, NY
5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own insight. 6 In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.

The book of Proverbs is one of three volumes, along with Ecclesiastes and Song of Solomon, written by King Solomon, known as the wisest man who ever lived. In 1 Kings 3, we read of how the Lord appeared to Solomon in a dream and offered to grant whatever he requested; but instead of asking for wealth, long life, or honor, Solomon asked for wisdom to carry out his duties. God gave Solomon a breadth of understanding “as measureless as the sand on the seashore” and Solomon’s wisdom was “greater than [that] of all the men of the East” (1 Kings 4:29-30).

Proverbs is a collection of wise sayings that convey moral truths on a wide range of topics, varying from wealth and finances, to marriage, to spiritual guidance on walking with God. Chapter 3, specifically speaks about the values of wisdom. Wisdom is not simply following the rules, and it is more than tradition or customs set out by a society or culture. It is also more than knowledge, which can be acquired with plenty of research or even purchased with tuition fees. Knowledge is accumulating data and facts; wisdom is discerning which of those facts are valuable and applicable to your life, and making correct decisions with that knowledge. 

As we read Proverbs 3, we encounter many promised blessings for those that have wisdom: health and vitality (v 8, 16), riches, honor, and wealth (v 10, 16) and safety and confidence (v 23-26). Interestingly, we see this in Solomon’s life- though he did not ask for wealth or honor, God gave him these things along with wisdom. However, we should keep in mind that these promises are general principles, not guarantees. On a practical level, having wisdom allows us to make sound judgments regarding our finances, our physical bodies and our relationships; but we should also remember that blessings in our lives may be delayed or withheld, because we live in an imperfect world troubled by sin. If we do not see health or riches, it may not mean that we are lacking wisdom; and conversely, we should not seek wisdom solely to chase after material benefits. 

One key message in Proverbs 3 is how true wisdom always relates to an understanding of the Lord. We are told to trust the Lord, acknowledge Him, fear Him, accept His discipline, and honor Him with our wealth. Wisdom and discernment come when we seek the Lord, through prayer, study of His Word, and knowledge of His will through a personal relationship with Christ. Just as Solomon asked God for wisdom, the Bible offers us the same opportunity. In James 1:5 we are told to ask God for wisdom without doubting, and it will be given to us. 

Unfortunately, while King Solomon exercised discernment in settling disputes and ruling the nation, he lacked sound judgment in his own home and eventually married foreign women who turned his heart away from God. Wisdom must always be accompanied by the strength of character to obey God’s instructions and resist the urge to compromise. 


Lord, help us to seek true wisdom that comes only from walking with you. Give us the strength to remain obedient, even when it is difficult. Amen 

The Lord gives wisdom to those who ask and who wholeheartedly seek Him.

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