Word for the day by Christian Education Forum

Healing and Wholeness
John 5:1-9

Rev. Roy A. Thomas
Youth Chaplain, Southwest Region

The sick man answered him, “Sir, I have no one to put me into the pool when the water is stirred up; and while I am making my way, someone else steps down ahead of me.” 

The reality of every human being is that we are stirred by the reality of our own brokenness.  In Psalms 34:18 we are reminded that the Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.  Wholeness is an experience that emerges from the mysterious union of our finite human predicament with the eternal possibilities of God.  When the pool of secular waters is stirred by the power of the Holy Spirit, sacred healing unfolds in way that transcends the barriers and boundaries of life.
In John chapters 2-11 we observe the manifestation of Jesus' ministry to those who are broken.  We come across a number of signs and conversations in which Jesus empowers people to overcome barriers to holistic living.  Bringing wholeness to sinners and healing to the sick was the mission of Jesus, and it is should be the vision of the church today (Mark 2:17).
At the Annual Feast in Jerusalem, Jesus reveals his authority to forgive sins and his power to heal.  Like the sick man by the Pool of Bethesda, we are all desparate to experience healing and wholeness.  Noteworthy is the fact that the word Bethesda is derived from the Aramaic 'beth hesda' which means "house of mercy".  The sick man's complaint to Jesus was - “Sir, when the water is stirred, I don’t have anybody to put me in the pool. By the time I get there, somebody else is already in.” (John 5:7)  The church is supposed to be a house of mercy, yet many of our members have no one to help them experience healing and wholeness.  We have failed to stirr the waters for fear of worldly consequences.
In a place of disgrace, where people are hurting and abandoned by the world, the church must encounter God's people and extend grace.
Are there members of our worshipping community that have been absent from church for many years?  Clergy and laity together must make a way for them to enter the pool and experience healing and wholeness in Jesus Christ.
Maybe you are already in the church, and still find that you are broken.  Are you waiting for someone to stirr the waters, and bring change to church?  If so, what are you waiting for?  The great Mahatma Gandhi once said - "Be the change you want to see in others."  Stop waiting for someone else to bring about healing and wholeness in the church.  Start engaging the the issues at hand and become an agent in the healing process.


Lord Jesus, we pray that you stir the waters of your church so that your people may experience healing and wholeness. Amen

Healing and wholeness can be experienced only after our faith is stirred by the Holy Spirit.

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