Word for the day by Christian Education Forum
Preparing the Way for Christ:
Jibin M. Idicula
Ebenezer MTC,
Jallhalli, Bangalore
11 For I want you to know,
brothers and sisters, that the gospel that was proclaimed by me is not of
human origin; 12 for I did not receive it from a human source, nor was I
taught it, but I received it through a revelation of Jesus Christ.
Paul writes this epistle to the church of northern Galatia approximately 54/55 C E. The worshiping community was made a church by Paul and Barnabas during their first missionary journey and this epistle is believed to have been written during Paul’s third and the last missionary journey. In the selected passage, he writes to address questions regarding the authenticity of his apostleship, asserting that the gospel which he preaches is the revelation given to him directly from Jesus Christ.
Being Responsive to God’s Call
Paul was once a zealous Jewish leader who intensely persecuted the early Christian community. There is no record of Paul having ever met Jesus before his death, and he would therefore not have been recognized as a disciple. It is of little surprise that there were those who questioned his status as an apostle and teacher of Jesus’ message. In this passage, Paul acknowledges his previous state, but confidently recognizes the grace and gospel given to him through revelation as truth directly from God.
Sometimes, we, like Paul, might be questioned on our ability or authority to speak. We must have the spirit and confidence of Paul when he says “that the gospel that was proclaimed by me is not of human origin; for I did not receive it from a human source, nor was I taught it, but I received it through a revelation of Jesus Christ” (11b-12). We believe that God reveals his grace to us through the sacraments and we thus have a claim to God’s guidance in our lives. Let us surrender ourselves to God and seek divine intervention and direction so that we may be enabled to show the way of salvation to others.
Salvation Is For All
In today’s individualistic world, salvation has often been seen as a personal possession. But in his letter to the Galatians, Paul reminds us that salvation and grace are not intended for a particular person, group, or race. They are instead offered for all people. We are not called to live our lives seeking salvation for only ourselves or our people. We are called to take others along with us to experience this grace and prepare the way for Christ’s second coming.
Who prepares the way for Christ? Are we waiting for yet another John the Baptist to repent our sins and then wait for the Lord? Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, are we waiting for the D day of the coming of our Lord? Let us not keep a date for the coming of Christ, but let us instead be prepared and prepare the way for Christ. We must instead take courage and recognize our ability and responsibility to advocate for what is right in God’s sight.
Paul writes this epistle to the church of northern Galatia approximately 54/55 C E. The worshiping community was made a church by Paul and Barnabas during their first missionary journey and this epistle is believed to have been written during Paul’s third and the last missionary journey. In the selected passage, he writes to address questions regarding the authenticity of his apostleship, asserting that the gospel which he preaches is the revelation given to him directly from Jesus Christ.
Being Responsive to God’s Call
Paul was once a zealous Jewish leader who intensely persecuted the early Christian community. There is no record of Paul having ever met Jesus before his death, and he would therefore not have been recognized as a disciple. It is of little surprise that there were those who questioned his status as an apostle and teacher of Jesus’ message. In this passage, Paul acknowledges his previous state, but confidently recognizes the grace and gospel given to him through revelation as truth directly from God.
Sometimes, we, like Paul, might be questioned on our ability or authority to speak. We must have the spirit and confidence of Paul when he says “that the gospel that was proclaimed by me is not of human origin; for I did not receive it from a human source, nor was I taught it, but I received it through a revelation of Jesus Christ” (11b-12). We believe that God reveals his grace to us through the sacraments and we thus have a claim to God’s guidance in our lives. Let us surrender ourselves to God and seek divine intervention and direction so that we may be enabled to show the way of salvation to others.
Salvation Is For All
In today’s individualistic world, salvation has often been seen as a personal possession. But in his letter to the Galatians, Paul reminds us that salvation and grace are not intended for a particular person, group, or race. They are instead offered for all people. We are not called to live our lives seeking salvation for only ourselves or our people. We are called to take others along with us to experience this grace and prepare the way for Christ’s second coming.
Who prepares the way for Christ? Are we waiting for yet another John the Baptist to repent our sins and then wait for the Lord? Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, are we waiting for the D day of the coming of our Lord? Let us not keep a date for the coming of Christ, but let us instead be prepared and prepare the way for Christ. We must instead take courage and recognize our ability and responsibility to advocate for what is right in God’s sight.
Dear Lord, we come
before thee, help us today to witness you wherever we are placed
and strengthen us to prepare way for thy coming. Amen
Share Christ and prepare ourselves.
Share Christ and prepare ourselves.