Word for the day by Christian Education Forum

Joy of Redemption Through the Savior

Mohan George Mathew
St. Thomas Evangelical Church of India, NY
10 Enter into the rock, and hide in the dust

A gathering of friends at an English estate nearly turned to tragedy when one of the children strayed into deep water. The gardener heard the cries for help, plunged in, and rescued the drowning child. That youngster's name was Winston Churchill. His grateful parents asked the gardener what they could do to reward him. He hesitated, then said, "I wish my son could go to college someday and become a doctor." "We'll see to it," Churchill's parents promised.

Years later, while Sir Winston was prime minister of England, he was stricken with pneumonia. The country's best physician was summoned. His name was Dr. Alexander Fleming, the man who discovered and developed penicillin. He was also the son of that gardener who had saved young Winston from drowning. Later Churchill remarked, "Rarely has one man owed his life twice to the same person."  

The compiling of earthly wealth must not be to make you self-sufficient and secure. We must always accept our dependence on God and find our security in Him. No matter how well prepared you think your future is, unless you acknowledge all as a provision of God, its end will not hold the hoped for fulfillment. It is God who gives us the power to make wealth and there is no sufficient security outside of Him. Should we look to things, people or assets in place of God our last days on earth will be insecure ones no matter how secure we attempt to make them.
The achieving of wealth became an end in itself (instead of using it for the purposes of God) and Israel placed their confidence in themselves and what they could achieve instead of in YAHWEH. You cannot prepare for a good future if you continue to live in rebellion against God. It will be true terror to meet the Holy God having lived our lives for ourselves.


 Lord help us to walk humbly in thy presence daily acknowledging thy mercy and love. In Jesus precious name – AMEN

Living He loved me, Dying He saved me, And buried He carried my sins far away, Rising He justified freely forever, One day He's coming, oh, glorious day, oh, glorious day- J. Wilbur Chapman

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