Word for the day by Christian Education Forum
Renewal of the Church
Dr. Binu Chacko
St. John's MTC,
12 For just as the body is
one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one
body, so it is with Christ.
When we are faced with tension and divergence in the church, we all think like surgeons “to cut and cure the problem” as the best solution. We fail to realize that all our differences in opinions are healthy for the growth of individuals and the community.
We sometimes expect people to have the same opinions we have. This can lead to narrow mindedness and constrict the growth of faith practices. Our main purpose as organs of the body is to perform the different functions for the body to thrive. If people were asked what goals they would set for our church, some may only say to have Sunday worship, pray and come home; others will add to have prayer meetings and conventions too; yet a few others will add to help mission fields by sending money; and a minority may add to go on mission trips or do mission work. We are all different, we all have likes and dislikes, wishes and wants, when it comes to what our church must do or can do. Only a few will step forward to do the task at hand. This is fine, there are leaders with ideas and visions, adults with plans and action, youths with zeal and vigor to serve, and elders who can pray for all. We are all placed where we are with a purpose.
Being a part of the Body of Christ we all have a responsibility to work toward the greater good. We need to prepare ourselves to function better within the body even when faced with differing opinions. Although it is harder to accomplish this, we need to find ways to prune ourselves so we may fulfill God’s purpose.
When we are faced with tension and divergence in the church, we all think like surgeons “to cut and cure the problem” as the best solution. We fail to realize that all our differences in opinions are healthy for the growth of individuals and the community.
We sometimes expect people to have the same opinions we have. This can lead to narrow mindedness and constrict the growth of faith practices. Our main purpose as organs of the body is to perform the different functions for the body to thrive. If people were asked what goals they would set for our church, some may only say to have Sunday worship, pray and come home; others will add to have prayer meetings and conventions too; yet a few others will add to help mission fields by sending money; and a minority may add to go on mission trips or do mission work. We are all different, we all have likes and dislikes, wishes and wants, when it comes to what our church must do or can do. Only a few will step forward to do the task at hand. This is fine, there are leaders with ideas and visions, adults with plans and action, youths with zeal and vigor to serve, and elders who can pray for all. We are all placed where we are with a purpose.
Being a part of the Body of Christ we all have a responsibility to work toward the greater good. We need to prepare ourselves to function better within the body even when faced with differing opinions. Although it is harder to accomplish this, we need to find ways to prune ourselves so we may fulfill God’s purpose.
Counselor, Help us Lord to build bridges that unite. Amen.
Each of us with our similarities and differences are made in God’s image for His purpose. United we stand, divided we fall.
Each of us with our similarities and differences are made in God’s image for His purpose. United we stand, divided we fall.