Word for the day by Christian Education Forum
Senior Citizen's Day
Isaiah 40:28-31
Rev. M.P. Yohannan
31 but those who wait
for the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings
like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not
Our church is observing the third Sunday of September as Senior Citizens Day. Why do we observe this day? We have to acknowledge our Senior Citizens and honor their valuable services rendered to their families, parish and the community. In many countries, the age of 65 and above is often considered as the beginning of old age. About fifteen percent of the population of the world is aged people. The lifespan of people is increasing due to the improvements in health care and life style.
What are the difficulties of old age? Declining health, financial insecurity, withdrawal from active service, adjustment problems, sense of feeling unwanted, loneliness and communication gap are few that plagues us as we grow older. What are the positive characteristics of old age? Old age is a reality. It is a privilege as well as a blessing. Job says, "Is not wisdom found among the aged? Does not long life bring understanding?"(Job 12:12) Older people are walking history books. They are also known as walking encyclopedias. If we look back into history, there are so many individuals who became famous at old age. It was towards the latter years of Goethe’s life that he wrote his masterpiece ‘Faust’. Galileo’s greatest invention was at the age of 72. Michelangelo became the architect of St. Peter’s Basilica at the age of 70. So our old people are not a liability, but they are a blessing.
In Joshua 14:6-16, Caleb was sent to spy the land at the age of 40. When he was 85, he said, "I am strong today as I was when Moses sent me out". He knew nothing was impossible with God. Because he followed God wholeheartedly, he was vigorous and faithful in his old age. Our altitude is decided by our attitude.
What are our responsibilities to our aged parents? “Honor your father and mother, so that you may live long in the land, which is the first commandment with a promise.” Life is a journey moving from one stage to another, from infancy to old age. At one time, aging parents took care of us, now we may have to take care of them. Our parents need our love, care, affection and time. Do for them what is best for them, not what is convenient for us. The promises of God to the older people are "I am your God and I will take care of you, until you are old and your hair is grey." (Isaiah 46:4) “They will bear fruit in old age.” (Psalm 92:14)
Isaiah begins chapter 40 with words of comfort and hope to the exiles in Babylonian Captivity. Prophet Isaiah says Lord is the everlasting God, the creator of the ends of the earth. Those who put hope in the Lord will be renewed with strength like eagles. If we trust in the Lord, we neither faint nor weary, because our God is able and available at all times.
Our church is observing the third Sunday of September as Senior Citizens Day. Why do we observe this day? We have to acknowledge our Senior Citizens and honor their valuable services rendered to their families, parish and the community. In many countries, the age of 65 and above is often considered as the beginning of old age. About fifteen percent of the population of the world is aged people. The lifespan of people is increasing due to the improvements in health care and life style.
What are the difficulties of old age? Declining health, financial insecurity, withdrawal from active service, adjustment problems, sense of feeling unwanted, loneliness and communication gap are few that plagues us as we grow older. What are the positive characteristics of old age? Old age is a reality. It is a privilege as well as a blessing. Job says, "Is not wisdom found among the aged? Does not long life bring understanding?"(Job 12:12) Older people are walking history books. They are also known as walking encyclopedias. If we look back into history, there are so many individuals who became famous at old age. It was towards the latter years of Goethe’s life that he wrote his masterpiece ‘Faust’. Galileo’s greatest invention was at the age of 72. Michelangelo became the architect of St. Peter’s Basilica at the age of 70. So our old people are not a liability, but they are a blessing.
In Joshua 14:6-16, Caleb was sent to spy the land at the age of 40. When he was 85, he said, "I am strong today as I was when Moses sent me out". He knew nothing was impossible with God. Because he followed God wholeheartedly, he was vigorous and faithful in his old age. Our altitude is decided by our attitude.
What are our responsibilities to our aged parents? “Honor your father and mother, so that you may live long in the land, which is the first commandment with a promise.” Life is a journey moving from one stage to another, from infancy to old age. At one time, aging parents took care of us, now we may have to take care of them. Our parents need our love, care, affection and time. Do for them what is best for them, not what is convenient for us. The promises of God to the older people are "I am your God and I will take care of you, until you are old and your hair is grey." (Isaiah 46:4) “They will bear fruit in old age.” (Psalm 92:14)
Isaiah begins chapter 40 with words of comfort and hope to the exiles in Babylonian Captivity. Prophet Isaiah says Lord is the everlasting God, the creator of the ends of the earth. Those who put hope in the Lord will be renewed with strength like eagles. If we trust in the Lord, we neither faint nor weary, because our God is able and available at all times.
Prayer: Thank you Lord for the legacy and blessings of our parents. Grant us grace to honor and serve them. Amen!
Thought for the day: Old age will be the best age of all.
Best is yet to come.