Word for the day by Christian Education Forum

Compassion of Christ

Mark 6:34-44

Adarsh Abraham

Long Island MTC, NY

37 But he answered them, “You give them something to eat.”
“Different people have different gifts, different strengths, and different callings, but all these gifts are to be used for the edification of the people of God to the glory of God.” – Dr. Keith A. Mathison, Reformation Bible College
Witnessing Compassion
“Jesus saw… and he had compassion on them” v. 35
Our LORD JESUS’ fame was spreading.   The crowds were following this MAN for His miracles and healing.  The crowds BELIEVED in HIM.  They would not rest.  Would we if we saw him in the flesh? He had no body guards, just a group of disciples struggling to understand it all and give Him their all at the same time.  It's not that they didn't care for the crowd of people; it's just that they were still babes in Christ.  Their compassion for the people wasn't close to their LORD's.  They wanted to send the people on their own to go find food.  They didn't want to sacrifice their energy or resources.

Witnessing the Creator
"With what?" – v. 37b (NLT)
The distribution of the bread was the easy part.  JESUS instructs them to feed them.  At which they respond with "With what?"
With what?!  What a response!!
With what did our Father form the universe?
With what did our Father form you in your mother's womb?
With what does CHRIST continue to GROW IN YOU, despite yourself?
These 12 babes in Christ couldn't see past themselves.  They still lacked faith despite all the miracles.
It seems the crowds that followed Jesus were filled with more faith than these disciples.
There was a disconnect somewhere. But where? In their relationship.
They were not willing to commit and give CHRIST JESUS what HE was due.
Absolute Worship. Absolute TRUST.
They were trusting their own resources and power not realizing the ONE who allows ANY MAN to have ANY POWER was AT THEIR SIDE!!!
HE DOES WHAT WE CAN NEVER DO. HE ALONE gives what this world cannot.

Witnessing Copiousness
Abundance is the way of the Kingdom. The Kingdom only provides this way. Abundantly.
The disciples gave Jesus what they had among themselves (few loaves and fish).  Jesus did what He saw the Father do, give back abundantly more (with leftovers).  When the True Source of The Kingdom, JESUS entered a fallen Humanity in the flesh, His Life was always giving abundantly, culminating on the Cross with the most abundant gift Humanity will ever receive, His Friendship.

Prayer: "Dear Father, please use us to feed others with the compassion Your only begotten Son had in abundant love and life. In His Precious Holy Amazing Name, we pray. TO YOU BE THE GLORY FOR OUR LIVES. ”Amen!

Thought for the day: He never needs us, but asks that we serve alongside Him to hand out His Daily Bread. Never ask God “with what?”  KNOW HE provides.

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