Word for the day by Christian Education Forum
The Lord's Invitation
Isaiah 55:1-5
Mariamma Abraham (Lalitha)
Ephiphany MTC,
Ho, everyone who thirsts, come to the waters; and you that have no money, come, buy and eat! Come, buy wine and milk without money and without price. (v.1)
“Isaiah 55 explores both
the life giving quality as well the joyous nature of the transformation effected
by God's word”, said Juliana Claasens.
Claasens also said, “What is
remarkable about this invitation is that people are encouraged to come buy the
expensive fare without money. Denoting the utter inability of the exiles to
change their situation, this text asserts that the gift of salvation offered by
God is completely and utterly free.”
It is a call for the people—those who believe in the LORD, and those who will
believe in the LORD when they hear this call—to take advantage of His offer to
share in the blessings of the covenant.:
God’s Word is sure, people can receive abundant blessings by trusting His
marvelous plan to fulfill the covenant promises. (www.bible.org)
The Pulpit Commentary explains; THE
PRECIOUS PROVISION OFFERED TO US: The truth God has revealed in his word; is
that the Son of God is himself the great Revelation of the Father, and through
him, we have that which satisfies our spiritual need.
1.It is that which "Come to the waters."
Water relieves and removes thirst, as nothing else will. The forgiveness,
restoration, and reinstatement through Jesus Christ perfectly satisfy the
intense craving of the soul. It brings a surpassing, transcendent peace.
2.It is that which the soul in all "Buy... milk."3.It is that which it with true and abiding "Buy wine
“The prophet may indeed say, "Buy" for these provisions are worth all the wealth that the most opulent can offer. God offers us his redeeming love, everlasting life, as the gift of his grace - a glorious gift, freely offered on his part, and gladly accepted on ours. He necessarily imposes conditions; but these are open to every soul, and none need reject them; they are the turning away of our hearts from sin, and the acceptance of Jesus Christ as our Divine Savior and Lord.”, said W. Clarkson.