Word for the day by Christian Education Forum
Discipleship for witnessing
Thomas said to Him “my Lord and
my God” (V.28)
It is said that, once when St Thomas was walking along
the streets of Kerala, he came across a group of Brahmins who were worshipping
by pouring water over their heads. St. Thomas, aghast at this sight, challenged
them that if their God was real, they should ask Him to hold the water in the
air when they threw it upward. The Brahmins accepted it but failed the
challenge. But when St. Thomas threw the water in air the droplets stayed in
air and came down as flowers.
We always remember St Thomas as the doubting disciple. From another
perspective St. Thomas was the ‘Harbinger of rational belief’ (Vs 25). It
requires an analytical and conclusive approach. But, where our rationality ends
there dependability on God starts.
No doubt, the disciples were shrouded in fear, it’s the fear of failure,
fear of the future and the fear of their existence (Vs 19).When we walk in
faith we have to often confront fear. Fear gives us the opportunity to render
ourselves powerless before God. If we render ourselves powerless Jesus will
refine us in the furnace of His wounds (Vs 27). It requires a conscious
decision and submission on our part. “My Lord My God” is the affirmation of the
apostle following such a decision. It is a personal affirmation that has
confronted fear, rationality and disbelief.
Jesus appears and imparts peace (Vs 26). Peace amidst fear and doubt. Doubt is a nosey
neighbour and an obnoxious guest. The first seeds of doubt were sown in the
Garden of Eden in the heart of Eve. There she sat, enjoying the trees,
when she noticed a pair of beady eyes peering over the shrubs. He positioned
himself between Eve and the sun and cast his first shadow of a doubt. This
snake has been a permanent resident of Israel. Its hiss was there in the laugh
of Sarah, in the reluctance of Moses, in the desert wanderings, in Samson’s
disobedience, in disciples’ inability to heal and so on. So, no
wonder that Thomas should ask such a question (Vs 25-28). When we submit
our questions to God faith becomes a clarification to our questions.
But the apostle continued his faith journey. He went forward and took a
leap of faith to India and many parts of the world. If he would have remained
behind the closed doors of his doubt in the post-resurrection room, India
wouldn’t have seen the light of Salvation. His was the feet that brought the
Good News to. His experience of Jesus was Jesus’ wounds. It made him say “My
Lord My God”. Let us also reaffirm that faith.
Thought for the day: The affirmation of
the apostle resulted in his conviction for the resurrection
Prayer: Lord I pray that you grace me
with your wounds, the wounds that will help me face my fears, the wounds that
will gift me and make me impart peace amidst the uneasiness of life , the
wounds that will make me utter “My Lord and My God”.
Rev. Abraham Kuruvilla (Jr.), New York