Word for the day by Christian Education Forum
Discipleship for Witnessing
"Give me understanding, so that I may keep
your law and obey it with all my heart" V.34 (NIV)
We are surrounded by so many
perspectives and controversies. It is existent in our work places, our schools
and universities, in matters of faith and spirituality, and when it comes to
taking a stand on trending societal topics like homosexuality or social
drinking among others. We often find ourselves torn between peer and communal
pressures and social norms, and behaving how God truly wants us to. For every
verse in the Bible, there are different inferences and it is always easier to
see side we prefer. As disciples who are called to witness the love of our Lord
Jesus Christ, we must take utmost care and caution when voicing our opinions.
Our careless words can impact others to stumble in their faith and walk away
from the Lord.
If you have driven in
extreme foggy conditions before, you know how difficult it is to see if you are
on the right road. Similarly, living in a world filled with foggy perceptions
of what is right and wrong, can hamper one's ability to see. We have to rely on
God's sun of understanding to show us the larger picture and just like a good
driver that would turn on the high beams in a fog, we need to turn on the light
of God within us to help us in that minimum visibility situation. Once the fog
clears up, and we see the path, we need to follow it even if it means we have
to travel through forests and deserts. We also need overcome the fear of being
ostracized and criticized by people around us. When we have received divine
understanding from God, we are certain about our right and wrongs. And, this
knowledge will empower us to not only obey God's laws, it takes away our fear
of disgrace (v.39), to answer those that may taunt us for obeying the law
(v.42), and speak of the Lord's statutes before kings and not be put to shame
Thought for the day: "Spend time in the
Bible to know what God’s opinion on various matters is, then trust that He will
lead you into the right path" - David Peach
Prayer: Lord, give me the wisdom to understand your laws, the
courage to follow and witness you, and find everlasting joy in you, and you
Dr. Sherin
J Athiyal, Atlanta MTC