Word for the day by Christian Education Forum

We believe in the Triune God
“Therefore go and make disciples of all  nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” (V.19)
This Sunday is set apart as Trinity Sunday. Today's passage is known as Great Commissioning. The Risen and Exalted Jesus entrusts the Apostles to continue His mission in this world. So the mission entrusted to the Church is not a new mission but the continuation of Jesus’ earthly ministry. The mission is to “go and make disciples of all nations.” The Church is entrusted to baptize in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Spirit. Here the Trinitarian formula is emphasized in relation to Baptism. It is one of the basic faith proclamations about our understanding of God, “We believe in Trinity”. Though the word “Trinity” is not there in the Bible, there are passages that reveal to us the Triune nature of God or Holy Trinity(Eg.Gen1:2,26;Matth.3:16-17;2Cor.13:14)
 The Holy Trinity as the perfect model love and communion:
The Holy Trinity is the model of perfect love and communion. The Father God is the eternal head; the Son is begotten of the Father (Jn. 3:16); the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father (Jn 14:26) each divine, each distinct and equal. God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit are not three gods, but one: the Divine Trinity. So God is One in substance and Triune in three Persons. Each person of the Trinity knows the same Truth and exercises the same love. The love of each is the Love of all (Jn14:9.10). There is nothing unknown and nothing unloved of each in the others. The Son and the Spirit are both one with God and in no way separated from Him (Jn 1:1, 2; 14:20,21,26). They are perfectly united together in everything. There is perfect understanding, love, communion and mutual indwelling (Jn14:24; Jn15;1-6). No one person of the Trinity acts independently of or in isolation from the others.
 The Holy Trinity reminds us that God is with us always:
As doctrine of the Holy Trinity reminds us that God is three persons in total unity, in the same way the doctrine of Holy Trinity also indicates closeness of God to the world. God the Father is the ever flowing source of love. It is the love of God that made him send his only begotten son Jesus to this world. It is again the love of God the father that made him give his Spirit to the world. The Son of God is God with us (Immanuel). He is the true revealer of God the Father. The Holy Spirit is the power of God in us and in all creation. He is ‘God in us’, God the sustainer and God the encourager. So the Holy Trinity reminds us of God closeness to this world.
Dear sisters and brothers, we have to affirm the fact that for us it is very difficult to comprehend God completely as God is far too great for us to fully understand. We can’t fullly grasp God because we have limitations. God reveals himself to us in Trinity. May the meditation of Trinity help us to know more the living realty of our God.
Prayer: “O Triune God, as we find in you the mutual indwelling and the perfect      communion, so bring us also closer to you and to each other…Amen”
Thought for the day: “God is active in the world as Father, Son and Holy Spirit”

Rev. Shinoi Joseph, Long Island MTC, NY

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