Word for the day by Christian Education Forum

Hosanna, Christ the King of Peace

“Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Blessed is the coming kingdom of our father David! Hosanna in the highest heaven.” (11:9b-10)

            As a church, we have been celebrating Lent, and have come to the finale: Passion Week. This is a time of commemorating Christ’s life, remembering His suffering and death, and celebrating His resurrection and victory over death. This passage begins with Christ approaching Jerusalem, and reaching the Mount of Olives. Jesus Christ by asking two of His disciples to find the colt, shows that He was prepared for the road to the cross, which lay ahead of Him. His disciples understood the need of the hour, and they followed exactly what Christ had commanded them. Jesus riding on a colt is significant, as it was a symbol of peace, service, and sacredness. 
The action of the people in spreading cloaks on the road and leafy branches is a symbol of their adoration to Christ, accepting Him and His lordship. In Verse 9-10, it says, “Those who went ahead and those who followed shouted, ‘Hosanna!’ Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! ‘Blessed is the coming kingdom of our father David!’ Hosanna in the highest heaven!”
Hosanna is a Hebrew word, which means “save now!” This form of plea is also seen in 2 Kings 6:26 and 2 Sam 14:4, where the people were seeking protection and help at the hands of the king. The people were looking forward to salvation through Jesus Christ, their king. It was a cry to God to intervene and save His people now that the Messiah had come. As a sign of this, along with their respect and acceptance of Christ, they spread cloaks and palm branches. They adored Him and were longing for that salvation experience. These are one of the highest points of Jesus’ ministry, where people were openly declaring Christ as their king and Messiah, in His triumphant entry into Jerusalem.
Palm Sunday marks the beginning of Passion Week. It is a time where we identify ourselves with Christ’s passion, the suffering, and road to and experience of the cross. Let us adore Him, and seek His salvation. Let us deny ourselves, take up the cross, and follow Him.

Prayer: Lord, give us the grace and humility to accept you and Your cross in our lives, and to hope for and experience true salvation. Amen.

Thought: Hosanna means save now. It is a cry to our God. Let us experience the saving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ by remembering His suffering and accepting Him into our lives. 

Rev. Dennis Abraham,Youth Chaplain, South East Region

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