Word for the day by Christian Education Forum

Transforming the creation
Tomorrow is the beginning of Great Lent in the Church. The Lent commemorates an important aspect in the salvation history of humankind.  Lent is in fact a spiritual retreat of the Church, through which the members of the church meditate upon the cross of Christ and submit to it in a sense of complete repentance. Today's passage reminds us about the two transformations happening at the wedding at Cana, transformation of faith and transformation of glory of the Kingdom of God.

Transformation of faith (v.5): When a crisis happened in the wedding home at Cana, Jesus' mother informed him regarding the situation and she had faith that her son will act; “Do whatever he tells you," Jesus' mother told the servants. So, when Jesus commanded to fill the jar, without prejudice they filled the jar, Jesus' mother had faith in her son, that he will act as per her request and respond to the need of the hour. Faith can be defined in many ways, but here it is used as “Having Trust”. When do we trust someone? Only when we know that person. And how can we know someone? Only by having a relationship with that person. Lent can be a transforming experience when we develop a relationship with Jesus Christ.

Transformation of glory of the Kingdom of God (v. 11): The miracle of Jesus turning water into wine is attributed to Jesus revealing the glory of the kingdom of God in this world. John says, “What Jesus did here in Cana of Galilee was the first of the signs through which he revealed his glory"; In Christ, the very nature of glory is being redefined. It is glory with a silent purpose and aim, Jesus used his glory to perform this miracle to the glory of God and also proved again that Jesus can respond to the human need in ways that seem hidden and mysterious. Transformation of glory of the Kingdom of God happens when we are open to the eyes of faith.

Prayer: Lord, during this lent season help us to transform our faith to a new level and to be part of your kingdom.
Thought for the day: Transformation is a process that starts at the cross. Our past sins are washed away by the blood of Christ shed at Calvary and we are made as white as snow.....

Rev. Biju P. Simon, MTC, Chicago

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