Word for the day by Christian Education Forum

God's Salvation for Wise and Unwise

"For in Him we live and move and have our being" (28)
St. Paul was at Athens where he saw the city wholly given to idolatry. There were Epicureans and Stoic philosophers encountered and worshipping some unknown god. So the city filled Athens filled with idols, each person paying homage to multiple gods. St. Paul preached the gospel of Jesus Christ and His resurrection but they brought him in front of a group to a place called Areopagus and there also he preached.
Place Changed but not the approach
Paul left the synagogue and preached in the market place to an audience that did not recognize the validity of absolute truth. He did not change the message to the educated crowd whom he met at the new place and it was still" Jesus and the resurrection. His message was all about a Lord whom he met and changed his life and he once again showing his passion to communicate that message.
God is not served by human hands. Vs 24,25
This message is the good news and the best news. God is not served by human hands since he himself gives to all people life, breath and all things. If we are helpless, weak and hopeless we need Gods help to serve him, as best news to the world. The God is the kind of God who cannot be served, but loves to serve others. The Christian message is not help wanted but about a help that is available. He is not served as though he needed anything but he gives to all people, life, breath and what all we need. The People those who feel they are self sufficient it is not a good news to them
God is not far from every one of us.Vs.27
Deut.4:7 Reads, The Lord our God is near us whenever we pray to him. He that wills us to pray everywhere assures us that he is no where far from us.
In Him we live and move and have our being.
This is the image of God that we carry, without Him we will be nothing and all our lives belong to Him
Prayer: God help us to live e and move all the days our life.
Thought for the day: Are we living and moving with the Lord in your daily life.

Dr. P. P. Chacko, MTC of Greater Washington

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