Word for the day by Christian Education Forum

Repent & Return

“Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry”(19)

It is a known human trait to be opinionated. While it varies between races, gender, and one’s age, we all tend to react to situations based on our mind set and experiences from the past. Often, we are quick to respond and react, which could result in long lasting negativity. Responding with anger makes things more complicated. As we hear often, “anger brings danger.” Our words and deeds hold a mirror up to our inner state. When I was reading through the verse “Be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry”, an old African proverb came to mind, which states "A talkative bird will not make a nest”. A good listener will be far more productive than a person who is quick to respond. As James 1:20 reads, “Man’s anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires.” The Spirit of the Lord brings forth a loving atmosphere that promotes peace and harmony. Traditional Hindu Philosophy insists on attaining morning peace that will last all day, by doing “daily worship of the dawn” which continued in the Christian tradition as early-morning prayer and devotion. Sit in quietness and worship the creator in the serenity of the very early morning hours. But, today’s generation is constantly on the move and often does not find time to attain this sanctity. We run in vain at the risk of losing our peace and sanctity. We need to examine our inner state and see where it is tense and where it is too loose.
Here James is urging us to be doers of the word rather than on-lookers and passers-by. As we are saved by the great Grace of the Lord, we ought to spread that Grace to the ones around us. One’s positive attitude initiates positive thoughts in others while a depressing mind spreads sorrow. In Paul’s terms, rejoicing in the Lord is not a random event, rather it is a lifestyle. Verse 26 is a steep challenge to those of us who are not listeners, but not doers: “If anyone considers himself as religious and yet does not keep a tight rein on his tongue, he deceives himself and his religion is worthless”.  The One who knows all our thoughts and deeds can strengthen us through our deep commitments and actions that glorify His name. When we face the manifold challenges and trials of life, God is the one to lead us and He is the one who keeps us standing, and those who depend on Him and His words will not fall.
Prayer: God, let Thy words penetrate into our hearts so that we will dwell on them and express Thy spirit through our words and actions, and in turn help those who are around us to follow Thy words. Let us repent and be reformed with Thy Spirit. Amen
Thought for the day: ‘Be the doers not the listeners’

Dr. Eapen Daniel, Philadelphia

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