Word for the day by Christian Education Forum

'God who works through generations'
”You love him even though you have never seen him. Though you do not see him now, you trust him; and you rejoice with a glorious, inexpressible joy. The reward for trusting him will be the salvation of your souls.” 
In Michael Card’s song titled, “That’s What Faith Must Be”, the first stanza of the song is as follows: “To hear with my heart, To see with my soul, To be guided by a hand I cannot hold, To trust in a way that I cannot see, That's what faith must be.” To know the true meaning of faith is to love God whole-heartedly. Our trust and obedience in him helps us to believe in an all knowing, and all powerful God. Although we cannot see him, we experience His love and mercy through-out our lives.
I will trust in Him 
A very popular team building exercise within youth groups have been a activity called a “trust fall”. One person stands on an elevated platform and relies on multiple people to catch them as they fall backward. This activity seems dangerous, but it is through the trust invested in the rest of the group that makes this activity successful. The reliance of trust in the group is similar to the reliance of our trust in God.  In our lives, we come across hardships that seem too hard to face. It is at moments like these that our faith and trust in God is put into action.  Our faith provides assurance from God that he will be holding us through all of life’s falls. We trust that God is control of situations, and in the middle of crisis, we are assured he will bring good out of it.  Our faith in God provides joy in the midst of suffering. 
Salvation belongs to our God
Faith in God will not take away all of our suffering, but it will keep us in a rooted and solid relationship with Him. As Peter explained in verse 11, Prophets were sent long ago to proclaim the news of salvation. They understood that the Messiah would have to experience suffering, but there would be great glory to follow after that. We have now known that all of this came to be true.  It was through the suffering of our Savior on the cross, that we are saved.
In the last stanza of the song it states, “When the moment was right, He sent His own son, And He opened the way so that everyone could have hope and believe that when time was done, He'd be able to make us one.”  What a glorious and joyful day it will be when we are rewarded for our trust with God’s everlasting salvation!
Prayer: Lord, help us to keep our faith in you through every facet of our lives. Amen
Thought of the day: “Let God have you, and let God love you - and don’t be surprised if your heart begins to hear music you’ve never heard and your feet learn to dance as never before.”  ~ Max Lucado

Jenny Jolly St. Thomas MTC, NY

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