Word for the day by Christian Education Forum

A life with a message

“I did not receive it from any man, nor was I taught it; rather, I received it by revelation from Jesus Christ…But when God, who set me apart from birth and called me by his grace, was pleased to reveal his Son in me so that I might preach him among the Gentiles, I did not consult any man…” Gal 1: 11-17

In a conversation with a non-Christian friend, he expressed to me that although he would like to believe in something, he did not have the time to study a religion. I tried my best to explain to him that becoming a Christian was not an academic study, but was entirely about a personal encounter with God. My friend still seemed to be missing the point. You see, no matter how carefully one studies the Bible, memorizes scripture, attends church or even accepts the existence of God, he or she will never become a Christian. If all these things do not bring one to Christ, then what does? How could Saul, a persecutor of Christians become Paul, one of the most zealous missionaries of Christ? Paul reiterates the answer in this passage. The gospel that is taught by man does not have the transformative quality that the Gospel of Christ holds. Saul chased after the gospel taught by man, while the Gospel of Christ was revealed to Paul.

This is not only applicable to unbelievers coming to Christ, but even more importantly to Christians. Is there a problem or a habit that you constantly struggle with? Even after you have asked God to help you, does it still persist? Perhaps it is because you have not submitted yourself for a true and permanent transformation – one that comes from consulting with God and not with man. We can see the same dramatic change that Paul did in his life if we only believe in the power of the Gospel. The world may give you reasonable advice to stop an addiction, a behavior, or negative personality but that is all a temporary, superficially ‘taught,’ man-made gospel. This is the beauty of the Gospel of Jesus Christ – that it is guaranteed to show deep-rooted results! Paul’s testimony teaches us that the Son personally reveals himself to each of us, for the full, thorough transformation that our souls desperately seek. Let us submit to the transforming gospel so we too may be living testimonies as Paul was.

Prayer: Thank you Lord for choosing us individually for Your Kingdom. Amen

Thought for the Day: Transform yourself with the Gospel of Jesus Christ every single day.

Teena Alex, St. Thomas MTC, NY

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