Word for the day by Christian Education Forum

Incredible amidst of struggles

Then the Lord said to him, “What is that in your hand?”

Life is filled with challenges.  There are challenges we may have voluntarily accepted, or ones that are thrust upon us.  Nevertheless, these situations are considered challenging because there is a possibility of being unsuccessful even after putting forth much effort.  In this passage, convincing Pharaoh to free the Israelites would certainly be considered a huge challenge.  If we put ourselves in Moses’ shoes, anyone would feel that this task is impossible.  In this instance, Moses felt inadequate, uncertain and lacking in faith.  Think of when you were in school and were assigned a tedious report or research paper.  Most people worry about the amount of time and effort it will take.  Some may worry if they can even complete the assignment.  How about applying to colleges or for a job position?  Do you remember feeling inadequate, and doubting yourself and even God?  The same can go for working through conflicts with family or friends.  This is exactly how Moses felt when God asked him to speak to Pharaoh.  

How do we as Christians go about challenges?  The answer is God.  God provided Moses with everything he would need to talk to Pharaoh.  He provided Moses with miracles to perform, and provided comfort in trusting in such a powerful and mighty God.  Even when that failed to give Moses the faith he needed, God sent Aaron to speak for him.  Now look back in your life to that difficult research paper, college or job applications or emotional conflict within your relationships.  Did you overcome it?  Or if you are currently in a challenging situation, did God provide you with tools or abilities?  As Christians it is important to not only know about all the great and mighty things our God is capable of, but also to have full faith that He can pull us through all challenges, if it is in His will.  The next time life throws a challenge your way, keep faith that our Incredible God will guide you through it and that you will overcome the obstacles of this world. 

Prayer: Almighty God, we thank you for giving us challenges in life and ways to overcome them.  For it is through these struggles that our faith continues to grow.  As we face challenges, help us to realize that your presence is with us the whole way.  Help us to have faith in You even when we feel inadequate or uncertain. Amen

Thought for the day: we serve an incredible God in whom nothing is impossible

Stacy Daniel, St. Johns MTC, NY. 

Theme of the week: Incredible amidst of struggles

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