Word for the day by Christian Education Forum

Promise of clarity and knowledge
“Nevertheless I tell you the truth it is to your advantage that I go away, for if I do not go away the counselor will not come to you” (7)
God’s promise - In John’s Gospel Chapter 13 – 17 clearly reveals Jesus’ knowledge about his crucification and death, and Jesus was trying to prepare his disciples for the stormy future that lay ahead of his followers. During his life on earth Jesus had hand-picked his disciples gave them the privilege of listening to his words and seeing him perform various miracles. All this he did to deepen their faith and grooming them to be leaders of his people when he leaves the earth. From the time he spent with them it was also clear to Jesus that their faith was shaky. As the time was nearing for his suffering Jesus also sensed the fear and delusion growing among his disciples as he was talking to them about the manner of his suffering and crucification. He did not want them to feel abandoned during this time of turmoil and be scattered. To build up their courage and hope he assures them that his death is to their advantage, and this important event is going to set the stage for the descend of the Counselor who will enlighten them with the truth regarding sin, righteousness and judgment.
The Transformation - After the crucification it is the promise of the counselor that prevented them from being scattered in the chaos and fear that followed. In John Chapter 20 verse 22 when Jesus appears to them after his resurrection be blesses the disciples with the gift of the Holy Spirit.  In Acts Chapter 2 we come to know about the disciples after the amazing transformation. The men who were sitting behind closed doors for the fear of the Jews break the chains of fear and begin preaching about the mysteries of God’s kingdom to the very people who in the past instilled fear in them. The disciples who when Jesus was with them in the world had trouble understanding his parables and teachings were transformed by the counselor into proficient teachers. This transformation helped the disciples perform more miracles than Jesus, able to build the infrastructure of Christian faith and travel far and wide in the world spreading teaching of Jesus their friend and mentor and the mysteries of God’s kingdom.
Prayer- Creator of the Universe in this passage you have made known to us that being filled with the spirit of the counselor will transform us with spiritual enlightenment and fill us with wisdom.  We pray for the blessing of this Holy Spirit so that we can live our life in this clarity and not darkness and this will help us enlighten the way for those entrusted to us.  Amen
Thought for the day-Pray for the blessing of the holy spirit and be ready to be transformed to perform the will of GOD.

Theme of the Week: The gifts of the Spirit.

Abraham and Dr Annie Philip, Rochester, NY

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