Word for the day by Christian Education Forum

“The world and its desires pass away but the man who does the will of God lives forever.” 1 John 2: 17
              Apostle John the son of Zebedee who is the author of the Gospel of John and Revelation is the author of this letter that is addressed to the believers.  He wrote this letter with two basic purposes in mind: 1.to expose the false teachers and 2.to give believers the assurance of salvation.  He emphasizes one aspect in this passage to love our fellow believers. The biblical command to love one another is an old theme that existed from the Old Testament period but its newness is seen in the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus Christ our Savior to redeem us of our sin.  
             The single most difficult pursuit in life is to adapt a life of truth and love. This is the challenge that the apostle giving us today as to the early Christians. Never follow one at the expense of the other. He does not want us to embrace love without the torch of truth and the heat of the truth without the warmth of love.
                        Extending god’s love to others is the definite sign of our relationship with God. Our ability to love others and avoid hatred is the sign of our new birth in Christ. If any one is in Christ, he is a new creation. If we cannot love others, we are living in darkness. To love one another, we have to learn to forgive others as God has forgiven us.  In Lev 19:18 it says, “Do not seek revenge or grudge against one of your people but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the Lord”. Love determines our disposition towards others. The quality of our Christian fellowship is determined by how well we can get along with every one helping, loving and with concerns for those in trouble and need.
              Lastly John says about the love of the world.  We are created to live in this world and to enjoy his creation. We are the stewards of the earth. But our love and attachment towards the things of the world, our cravings towards sin, the lust of our eyes and the boasting we make is not godly but comes from satan. The world and its desires will pass away but the man who does the will of God lives forever.
                    John pleads us to remain faithful to what we received from Christ. The only true way to maintain our confidence before God is to retain the love of Christ in our hearts. The only way to retain the love of Christ is through loving our brothers and sisters in Christ.
Prayer: Merciful and gracious Father, you have taught us the greatest principle to love one another. We know that of the 3 great virtues of faith, love and hope, love is the greatest. Lord, enable us to walk with you and continue our faith journey in this world loving each other and not conforming to the pleasures of this world. Allow us to go forward aiming at our glorious destination you have reserved for us. Amen
Thought for the Day: We shall love one another.

  Dr. Thomas K. Jose, MTC, Staten Island, NY

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