Word for the day by Christian Education Forum

Servant Leadership

“Feed the flock of God which is among you…”

St. Peter’s advice to the leaders of the church to “feed the flock” is the example set forth by our Lord Jesus Christ.  Our Lord showed us that Christian Leadership is that of being a servant.  Being a Servant-Leader is different than that to which defines it in the secular world.

In the secular realm, leadership can often be seen as more command and control (“I am in charge”) with a view towards personal gain, access, expectations of luxurious perks and personal advancement.  Christian leadership, on the other hand, is that of being a servant-leader who humbles oneself and gives up personal gain to find greatness in service to others.  The best example is that of our Lord Jesus who gave up the glories and the riches of heaven to serve us.  Yet today, in our churches, we find that from the top to the laity instances of leadership based on the secular definition rather than the Christian one.  We find amongst ourselves those seeking rank, privilege, CEO type perks, pride etc.  We succumb to the worldly definition rather than that of the Christian one.  Even the disciples fell prey to such worldly notion of equating leadership with regality or status and it might be the reason why they were stunned at the act of Jesus washing their feet.

The only way for us to overcome such lapses of judgment is to follow Jesus’ example.  To follow Jesus means to be a servant.  To be a servant means to be a Leader.  A servant-leader realizes that it is no longer about “me” at work but “Christ” that is in me.  I am no longer in charge but Christ that is in me.  When we lead from a Christ perspective, we focus on the needs and hurts of others.  We inherently will serve without pride or personal ambition and with empathy and integrity.
Jesus has called all of us to lead.  He said, we are the salt of the earth and the light of the world.  He is within us and wants us to serve and become Stewards and Shepherds - in charge of feeding his flock.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, you who gave up the riches of heaven and came down to not to be ministered unto but to minister.  Teach us to humble ourselves and minister your flock and forgive us for seeking to be ministered by the flock.Amen. 

Thought for the Day: Find greatness in service to others.

Bobe Simon, Carmel Mar Thoma Church, Boston

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